What IS Fluoride? – A History Lesson


fluorideWater fluoridation is the addition of fluoride to the general water supply under the guise of helping to prevent tooth decay.

What IS fluoride?

Fluoride is a salt of hydrofluoric acid compound containing fluorine, as methyl fluoride, CH 3 F.

For those of us that didn’t excel in science class that definition did not help on clarity. This just leads us to yet another question. What is Fluorine? It is the most highly reactive nonmetallic element on the chart. It is a pale yellow toxic gas that is corrosive. This leads me to the next logical question. Can a toxic gas really be good for us and where and what exactly does the fluoride we are adding to our water supply come from?

The idea of adding it to the water supply was proposed based on the idea that fluoridated water works on tooth surfaces: inside the mouth it creates low levels of fluoride in saliva, which reduces the rate at which tooth enamel de-mineralizes. It also increases the rate at which it remineralizes in the early stages of cavities leaving fewer cavities overall.  Sounds good right? Of course, it does. We bought it hook line and sinker up until recently.

According to the National Health Federation as well as the New York State Coalition, they are both highly opposed to Fluoridation. Though yes, Fluoride exists in nature and is found in rock it is also laced with an industrial waste product known as fluosilicic acid. Fluoride is a pollutant.

Fluoride is a by-product of copper, iron and aluminum manufacturing. The problem became how to legally dump fluoride. One of America’s largest aluminum companies founded a study and suddenly the problem was solved in the 1930’s. The outcome was found that fluoride helped prevent tooth decay.

Now the marketing began

A successful public relations effort along with government agencies resulted in the propaganda being spread far and wide: this miracle chemical, when added to water supplies, will give everyone healthy teeth.

The fertilizer industry may have solved their issue of what to do with their toxic waste product, but public health and safety took a hit. This claim that this fluoridated water was healthy for teeth is false. Evidence shows fluoridation does not reduce tooth decay. A tooth decay epidemic is rampant in the U.S. today, reports the Surgeon General and cavity crises are occurring in many, if not all, fluoridated cities and states in 2018. Many cities are now rethinking and removing fluoride from their water supplies.

The first experimental city to accept fluoridated water happened in 1945 in Newburgh, New York. The study was originally slated to last 10 years but ended at only 5, and was somehow falsely declared a success.

No adults were studied. Children sick two weeks before examination were excluded – eliminating the very children who might have been exhibiting fluoride’s adverse effects. In this study, they used sodium fluoride, which is not the fluoride chemical used by over 91% of U.S. fluoridating communities today – Silicofluorides.

According to www.fluorideinfo.org they state that  “While the opponents to community water fluoridation may be well-intentioned, there is no scientific basis on which anti-fluoridationists base their claims.” This is simply not the truth.

This missmatches findings by Dr. Barry Groves, Ph.D. who dedicated himself to exposing dietary misinformation, the very studies were done by the WHO (World Health Organization) were greatly exaggerated and even falsified. It has been shown in countries such as Denmark, Finland, and Sweden when fluoride was removed from the water, the incidence of cavities actually reduced.

Fluoride is a highly toxic substance, which before named a cavity fighter, was used in rat poison and insecticides. If all of these years we have been duped, what has all this fluoride we have been consuming really done to our bodies?

Ironically, when you consume too much fluoride your teeth can actually discolor and crumble.  In lab tests on animals, fluoride has been shown to enhance absorption of aluminum, which has been shown to cause Alzheimer’s. It has also been linked to osteoporosis, damage of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, leading to limited joint mobility, ligament calcification, muscular degeneration and neurological deficits. But worst of all fluoride has been linked to as many as 10,000 cancer deaths per year (the majority in bone cancer, primarily in men).

Fluoride has also been shown to lower intelligence in children. In one study 907 children age 8-13 were measured in retrospect to the amounts of fluoride in their environment. The developmental intelligence appeared to be hampered severely the younger the child was when high doses were administered.

Fluoride has also been shown to calcify the pineal gland.  It regulates the production of melatonin, which regulates the onset of puberty as well as protecting us from damage on a cellular level from free radicals. In some cultures, the pineal gland is also believed to be what is thought of as the third eye, and our source of visualization and imagination.

We can only suggest limiting your continued exposure to fluoride as much as possible.

There are many good high-quality fluoride free toothpaste available, as well as opting to drink distilled or fluoride filtered water from a system that utilizes a special filter or reverse osmosis, is a huge boost for your health, no matter your age.

***Please read the information provided before purchasing any water filter. Most do not actually remove fluoride. Placing a filter on your showerhead is also a tremendous help as your skin when showering opens up its pores and allows fluoridated and chlorinated water to penetrate and absorb into your system.

There are also ways to remove fluoride from your body through internal cleanses, heavy metal detoxifications and chelation

It’s up to you to decide if you feel fluoride is ok for you to ingest, we suggest you do some research and make up your own minds.

Chiropractor & Nutritionist in Fort Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent them before they start?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Natural Help for High Blood Pressure


high-blood-pressureBlood pressure defined

Blood pressure is the measure of pressure created by your heart beating, forcing the blood into your arteries and throughout your body. There are two numbers in the reading. The top number is known as systolic – it defines the maximum pressure inside your arteries as your heart beats. The bottom number known as diastolic is the amount of pressure inside the arteries between beats.

If you take your blood pressure and its over the recommended 120/80 it is important to pay attention and start tracking it. Heart disease doesn’t set in overnight. It takes time and can creep up on you till suddenly you are ill and dont even know what happened.

What’s “high” vs. Whats considered normal blood pressure

120/80 mm Hg. is ideal.

140/98 mm Hg signals possible Hypertension (high blood pressure)when the measurement is sustained for at least 2 consecutive readings.   Elevated blood pressure can present a problem because puts adds additional pressure to your entire cardiovascular system including your heart which must then work even harder to move the blood around your body. A continued reading at or above that level means you have hypertension.

What causes high blood pressure?

So far no exact cause has been pinpointed in high pressure for the majority of patients. This is known as primary high blood pressure. Secondary hypertension can come from the use of birth control pills, excessive alcohol intake, or even renal or thyroid disease. 

Other Factors That Can Come Into Play

  • Age
  • Level of physical activity (too sedentary of a lifestyle)
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Heredity
  • High Salt Intake
  • Drinking alcohol excessively
  • Get your thyroid blood levels checked

I have high blood pressure – what do I do?

There are several natural things that can help for you to try before resorting to pharmaceutical blood pressure medications which, while they may bring your numbers down to normal levels and be beneficial for your cardiovascular health have the high-risk potential for a wide range of very dangerous side effects which can affect your health physically and emotionally.

Natural Alternatives to Help Lower Blood Pressure

If you know you have high blood pressure and would like to consider some alternatives outside of medication we would love the opportunity to work with you to get your health to where it should be so you can live the best life possible.

Chiropractor & Nutritionist in Fort Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent them before they start?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Oregano – Nature’s Super Healer


oreganoOregano is a member of the mint family. It has often been nicknamed nature’s most potent antiseptic and described as one of the strongest known anti-inflammatory substances. Oregano oil has powerful anti-viral properties. In terms of reversing pain and inflammation; it has nearly the same power of morphine. Yet it remains relatively unknown. 

Oregano oil has been certified by the FDA as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe); however, it is a very “hot” oil, so dilution is a carrier oil is recommended, especially for ingestion. You can purchase Oregano Oil capsules over the counter at any grocery or drugstore.

Numerous studies have shown it to be highly destructive to a multitude of viruses including Staph, E-Coli, Listeria and even MRSA. It has been demonstrated to be 99% effective at reducing airborne bacteria as well and is an excellent lymphatic stimulator even fighting off fungal infections. A recent medical journal study compared the anti-candida effect of oregano oil to that caprylic acid.  The results indicated that oregano oil is over 100 times more potent than caprylic acid against candida.

Oregano is a must have for every first aid kit and not a bad idea to keep in your medicine cabinet either.

What is oregano good for?

-Fungus and athlete’s foot infections (pop open a soft-gel and apply 2x daily)

-Respiratory ailments



-A sore throat



-Congestion, loosen phlegm and quiet coughs.  Either applying it topically (diluted, unless applied to the bottom of the feet) or diffused, it offers you excellent benefits.

-Intestinal infection

-Digestive issues

Diffused into the air for its antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties, to clear the air of pathogens (for this method oregano oil must be pure – not mixed with a carrier oil)

How to use oregano medicinally:

As with any antibiotic if you are choosing to use a natural antibiotic for an infection make sure that you do a full course. In other words… don’t just use it until you feel better. Keep going for a minimum of 5-10 days. As with all antibiotics, if you quit taking them just when you begin to feel better, the bacteria that remain may actually rally and come back stronger giving you less of a chance to be able to fight them off should you choose to start again.

Interested in homeopathy, chiropractic, natural wellness, nutrition and overall health? Contact the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. of Fort Myers, Florida. 239-332-2555.

Moringa – The Miracle Supplement


moringaHave you tried moringa yet? It comes as both a capsule or a powder or if you are very lucky, fresh.

The leaves, flowers, bark, fruit, and root, and seeds can all be used medicinally.

 Moringa contains 4 times the Vitamin A of carrots, 7 times the Vitamin C of oranges, 4 times the calcium of milk,  and two times the protein of yogurt and 3 times the potassium of bananas.

Moringa is an important food source in many parts of the world as it can be grown inexpensively, and the leaves retain vitamins and minerals when dried, moringa is used in Africa and India to fight malnutrition.

The immature green pods are prepared similarly to green beans, while the seeds are removed from more mature pods and cooked like peas or roasted like nuts. The leaves are cooked and used like spinach, and they are also dried and powdered for use as a supplement and condiment. It will, however, only grow in tropical and subtropical climates.

The oil from moringa seeds can be used in foods, perfume, and hair care products, and as a machine lubricant. The seed cake remaining after oil extraction can even be used as a fertilizer and also to purify well water and to remove salt from seawater.

Moringa’s Many Benefits:







    Birth control. (please do further research on dosage and timing)




    Stomach pain (gastritis).

    Stomach and intestinal ulcers.

    A headache.

    Heart problems.

    High blood pressure.

    Kidney stones.

    Swelling (inflammation).

    Thyroid disorders.


    Increasing breast milk production.

    As a nutritional supplement.

    Stimulating immunity.

    Increasing sex drive.


    Athlete’s foot.



    Skin infections.


    Gum disease (gingivitis).



Directions: Follow the directions on the label. BUT I will add this – Please start slowly with Moringa. Everyone’s body is different. If it says 2 spoonfuls daily, trust me – start with ½ of a spoonful and work your way up. Moringa in too high of a dose can cause nausea, vomiting and even explosive diarrhea.

With the right dose, you should feel good, have more energy and notice a daily improvement.

Special Precautions & Warnings:

Pregnancy and breastfeeding: It’s UNSAFE to use moringa if you are pregnant. Chemicals in the root, bark, and flowers can make the uterus contract, and this might cause a miscarriage.

It’s also best to avoid moringa if you are breastfeeding. There isn’t enough information to know whether it is safe for a nursing infant.

Because of our tropical climate here in SW Florida, you can actually grow your own Moringa tree right in your yard. Make sure to plant it somewhere you do not mind a large tree growing because they do grow rather fast. To use it fresh you can pick branches right off the tree and eat the leaves.

For more amazing health information you may not know about by visiting the blog of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. Chiropractor and Nutritionist in Fort Myers, Florida www.drkasters.com | 239.332.2555

How to Support Blood Pressure, Naturally

high blood pressure fort myers

high blood pressure fort myersIt is scary to think that in this day and age one-third of all adults live with higher than desired blood pressure.  Life has become a go go go society. it’s a high-pressure world and our health is reflecting that. 

It can be tempting to simply ignore high blood pressure readings, but it isn’t in the overall best interest of your health. It can result over time in damage to the arteries, heart failure, ruptured blood vessels, kidney issues, vision problems, drop in cognitive function, metabolic syndrome and even life-threatening aneurysm.

The medical community seeks out pharmaceutical remedies to treat the symptom while those of us in the natural health world would rather find options that help to heal and treat the root cause.

Before reaching for the phone to get a prescription for high blood pressure medication, consider some of the more natural approaches which have been shown to work on many who experience higher than desired blood pressure readings.

Take a look at possible reasons for hypertension

Emotional taxation


Caffeine (soda, coffee, teas)


Being overweight or obese 

Lack of activity

Birth control pills are taken for lengthy amounts of time

Excess table salt

Heavy metal toxicity

What you can do 

Boost your diet – the foods you eat energize and run your body. Adding in items like olives and flax seeds, lots of fruits and vegetables, fish high in omega-3 and healthy fats like coconut and olive oils. Reduce grains.

Take Magnesium – helps to relax blood vessels. It can immediately impact blood pressure. 500 mg a day is a great starting place for most people.

Take Potassium – coconut water, bananas, melons, and avocados are just a few of the potassium-packed foods that can help with hypertension.

Take CoQ10 – This antioxidant helps to support heart health. 200-300mg a day is great for blood pressure support.

Take Fish Oil – 1,000-2,000mg daily. Inflammation of the arteries is a prime cause of high blood pressure. Fish oil is high in EPA, DHA, and Omega’s. It helps control and reduce the inflammatory response and can, in turn, help to reduce how hard your heart is having to work.

Get Chiropractic Adjustments & Massage – When your body is in proper alignment your nervous system works at top speed. This gives your body the best chance at regulating itself, which after all is the ultimate goal in health. Massage is not only relaxing, which can help bring down hypertension, it is therapeutic and helps the body release toxins and stress as well as tension.

Before reaching for that medicine bottle – consider some of these tips. They may just change your life.

If you are in the SW Florida area visit www.drkasters.com Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. of the office of Dr. Jason Kaster. or call 239-332-2555 and make an appointment today. 

Essential Oil Diffusers for Health


diffuserWhat Is an Essential oil Diffuser?

An essential oil diffuser is a container that holds a mixture of water and essential oil.  When turned on the diffusion lamp creates a vapor out of the water and oil which mists itself into the air diffusing the oil particles so that the fragrance fills the air and in turn your lungs.

Why Essential Oils?

Essential oils can be essential in healing the body. Every oil has its own set of properties –antitumorigenic, antibacterial, antiviral, and much more. Oils can be breathed in, applied topically, or taken internally (please check each company and each oil, not every oil can be ingested due to impurities in processing and or the plant source itself).

These amazing oils have been shown to help with everything from the common cold to asthma, headache relief, pain relief, skin issues, cancer, blood disorders, and much much more. By diffusing them into the air everyone in the area derives the benefits. Essential oils can also benefit your pets. 

Used as aromatherapy they can lift and brighten your mood and make you feel better overall. So toss away the chemical laden Renuzit and Febreeze sprays and make way for a cleaner more natural way to cleanse the air in your home while healing your body.

On a molecular level, essential oils are small enough that they can get inside human cells and detoxify. Certain oils, such as Frankincense are small enough to cross the blood-brain barrier (the goal of many medications) and help heal even traumatic brain injuries. Frankincense has even shown promise in cancer patients as well as those who are in comas.

If you are looking for more out of the box alternative health advice, follow Dr. Jason Kaster on FB or TWITTER or visit his site at www.drkasters.com.

Naturally Boost Your Immunity

immune system

immune systemBecause of the media and social conditioning, many of us have come to consider yearly colds and flu’s just par for the course and even expected. The truth is that there is nothing normal about being sick all of the time. Health is our natural state.

If you or your kids are constantly catching colds, it means your immunity is lower than it should be and ideally could be.

One route many never consider or even know about is Chiropractic.

Did you know that regular chiropractic visits help to keep your immune system going strong throughout the year?

The nervous system works in conjunction with your immune system. Spinal misalignments cause neural dysfunctions. This is stressful on the body. Stress causes immunity breakdown over time. Chiropractic helps to correct the subluxations and get the nerves functioning and communicating properly to your cells and organs once again.

Adjustments boost your immune system

Here are some interesting facts coming out from the latest scientific studies on the subject

In one study, blood was taken from 15 patients before an adjustment. Another blood draw was done on the same subjects’ post adjustment. What was found was that the immune response was significantly higher after they had been adjusted. [1]

It has been noted that those coming in with a cold or flu recovered faster than those who do not receive chiropractic adjustments. [2]

Children under chiropractic care required less use of antibiotics and other medications. [3]

Chiropractic has even been shown to help those living with HIV. The central benefits chiropractic offered were a reduction of stress and removal of nervous system interference as well as education on living an immunopositive lifestyle.[4]

Your immune system plays a major role in your health and overall well-being. It can affect every cell in your body, every system and every organ. Along with eating well, getting fresh air and sunshine daily, make sure you don’t limit Chiropractic in your mind to just a cure for aches and pains. If you do not feel well or have a diagnosis of any kind go visit your chiropractor and see if they may be able to help.

Chiropractor in Ft Myers, FL, and Naples, FL

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor in Fort Myers and Naples, can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.