Side effects that may occur from lung cancer surgery

If you are a lung cancer patient, there’s a chance lung cancer surgery is possible for you, and it could save your life. If you are a candidate for lung cancer surgery, it is in your best interest to get the procedure. However, every surgery has its risks, but living with lung cancer also has its risks because it is a deadly disease. Millions of people die each year from lung cancer.

Following are a few side effects a patient may or may not experience after lung cancer surgery:

  • Coughing may be difficult.
  • The chest may be sore.
  • You may develop a chest infection.
  • You may feel shortness of breath.
  • You may feel pain/burning/numbness/tingling in the upper back/shoulder/under breast/and abdomen.
  • Your skin may be hypersensitive.
  • You may experience constipation from pain medication.
  • You may be extra tired.

Many of these side effects are entirely normal, while some are more concerning. Before your surgery, your doctor will discuss with you the possible side effects, so you will have a general idea of what to expect. However, if you are experiencing any pain, it is a good idea to mention it to your doctor to make sure what you’re experiencing is “normal”. The doctor will see you if he/she is concerned about your side effects.

Your doctor will help you through the post-op healing process.

Book an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

Surgery can be scary, but lung cancer is scarier. Robotic lung surgery is minimally-invasive surgery, so your recovery time will be less. If you are a good candidate, robotic lung cancer surgery may be your best option to being cancer free.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.

The various types of lung cancer

There are three different types of lung cancer: Non-small cell lung cancer, small cell lung cancer and large cell lung cancer. The type of lung cancer you have depends on the area of lung affected and its appearance.

In this article, we share with you a little information about the different kinds of lung cancer.

Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma

Most lung cancers (80 percent) are non-small cell cancers. There are three subtypes of non-small cell lung cancer. Adenocarcinoma usually occurs in the outer glands of the lungs. It is the most common non-small cell cancer. It is often seen in women and non-smokers. Squamous cancer occurs in the bronchial tube linings. The lungs are often inflamed with this type of cancer. This type of cancer is found often in men. Bronchioalveolar cancer develops close to the air sacs but it is rare.

Small Cell Carcinoma
This type of cancer is the most aggressive form of lung cancer. It has small cancer cells which grow quickly and can affect several body parts. Only 20 percent of lung cancer patients have this type of cancer. Almost all small cell cancers are connected to smoking.

Large Cell Carcinoma
With large cell carcinoma, the cancer cells develop in the outer edges of the lungs. Cancer grows fast with this type of cancer. It can be removed with chemotherapy or by radiation therapy.

Schedule an Appointment for Robotic Lung Surgery in Tampa

If you have lung cancer, find out if it can be removed with minimally-invasive robotic surgery. Different stages and types of cancer have different treatment options.

Looking for a lung surgeon? Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer patients. He will determine if you are a good candidate for this type of lung cancer surgery. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.


Non-invasive cardiology to prevent scarring

When it comes to heart surgery of any kind many people are concerned that it will leave a visible scar. At Tampa Cardiovascular Associates we use a branch of interventional cardiology which focuses on specialized catheter-based forms of treatment.

The benefits are not only a lack of a visible outer scar but also far less pain accompanied by shortened recovery times. Unlike traditional surgery, a general anesthetic is not required so you do not have to deal with the potential side effects of going under. Most patients are medically sedated and a local anesthetic used with great success. Though the treatment depends on the patient, this minimally invasive form is ideal for many.

Interventional Cardiology is used in the treatment of coronary artery disease. Atherosclerosis, which is a hardening or clogging of the arteries with built-up cholesterol, can have a negative effect on not only the heart but also the brain, legs, and kidneys. A thorough evaluation and patient history are taken before we diagnose your condition.

The main treatments offered are known as Coronary Angioplasty and Coronary Stenting. During the procedure, a small inflated balloon inside the clogged artery widens the vessel. This improves blood flow. The balloon is withdrawn and the stent is left in place to hold the space.

Many patients report near immediate relief of symptoms and have been happy with the results.

Experience Counts

When trusting a Cardiologist to operate on your heart it is important to make sure your surgeon has the special expertise and credentials. The doctors at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates have the experience and knowledge you need for the very best outcome.

If you are in the Tampa Bay, Florida area and looking for an experienced Cardiology staff we invite you to take a moment and peruse our staff of physicians. Give us a call to schedule an appointment by calling (813) 975-2800.

How to prevent sudden cardiac arrest, and potentially save a life

Age isn’t always a deciding factor in who may or may not have an SCA or heart attack. Often very athletic younger men and women, seemingly out of the blue and in “perfect” health, can have an episode of SCA (Sudden Cardiac Arrest).

Years back there was a 17-year-old high school tennis team captain that passed away from an SCA. While instances like this are very rare, they are not unheard of. If you are young and seemingly healthy, there would generally be no reason you would have been to visit a cardiologist. The cause is usually a chronic heart condition that the person isn’t made aware of. That is until it happens and then its too late.

An SCA is different from a heart attack. The terms are often interchangeably used.

How they differ:

Heart Attack: During a heart attack the heart’s blood supply is blocked or reduced, causing injury to the heart muscle, and can result in death. The person is generally awake and can feel and report on symptoms of what they are experiencing.

SCA: In an SCA the heart ceases beating and blood flow through the body is completely stopped. In an SCA consciousness is lost after only a gasp or two for breath, and possibly a seizure. SCA is a leading cause of death among adults over 40. Over 1,000 incidents are reported nationwide each day. You must receive CPR within 5 minutes or death is certain.

It is not possible to predict when and where SCA could occur. Nor is it possible to predict in whom it may occur. The best option in preventing this type of event from happening is to maintain a heart-healthy lifestyle.

  • Eat a healthy and well-balanced diet
  • Be physically active and exercise regularly
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Do not smoke
  • Do not drink alcohol in excess
  • Do not use recreational drugs including stimulants and caffeine
  • Panic and anxiety are also a potential cause so if you have panic attacks do everything you can to get them under control
  • A sudden blow to the chest can also disrupt the hearts rhythm

Those with pre-existing conditions should also beware and check in with their physicians regularly. Predispositions include:

  • Those with a history of previous heart attacks
  • Those with a heart valve or rhythm disorders
  • Those who have fainting spells
  • Those with a history of heart failure
  • Those with coronary disease

For many, SCA is the first indication that a heart condition exists. The problem is that only 10% who experience SCA will live through it.

If you are age 40 and up and have any pre-existing heart conditions or a family history of heart disease please check in with your physician at Tampa Cardio. While prediction is impossible, prevention is key. The physicians at Tampa Cardio are dedicated to keeping your heart healthy through evaluation, heart-healthy lifestyle tips, and treatment options that may be right for you.

Give the office a call today at (813) 975-2800 or visit to learn more.

How Salt Can Affect the Heart


Do you salt your food on a daily basis?


Many people salt their food before even tasting it. It’s a habit and a dangerous one at that.

While sodium is naturally occurring and we need in our bodies, when consumed to excess, it can be harmful. The majority of the salt consumed does not come directly from your at home shaker it is already hidden within the food we buy on a regular basis.

It is astounding how quickly the milligrams of salt add up when tracked on a normal day for the average American. The results are evident. Heart disease is one of the top causes of death in 2018.

How Salt Can Harm Your Health

Salt causes your body to hold on to fluid. This retention increases the blood volume flowing through your system making your entire cardiovascular system work harder than it should. Over time this increase can be dangerous leading to hypertension. It can cause pressure to build against your arterial walls leading to a weakening of the walls. From there it can progress to blood clot formation, organ and tissue damage, and plaque builds up. Blood pressure is known often as the silent killer because there are many times no visible signs until cardiovascular disease actually takes hold.

You Do Have A Choice!

As much as 80% of the salt American’s eat is found in prepackaged, processed, and restaurant-prepared foods. Choosing to eat at home helps tremendously.

Those with conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease and those over 50 who need to take extra notice of this intake. You can join tracking sites such as which is not just for weight loss, you can track your caloric intake as well as your sodium, proteins, carbs and much more at the touch of a button. Once you know where you stand it is easier to get a good picture and how you can reduce your salt intake. The CDC recommends in the 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines that Americans consume less than 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium per day as part of a healthy eating pattern.

If you are at risk of heart disease and in need of a cardiologist, call Tampa Cardiovascular Associates for a consultation. Call us today at 1-813-975-2800 or fill out a form online. We look forward to hearing from you!

Heart Murmur

heart murmur tampa

heart murmur tampaWhat is a heart murmur? Common conditions can make your heart beat faster and that can lead to the onset of a heart murmur. They can happen if you become anemic or pregnant, have an overactive thyroid, a high fever, or high blood pressure.

A heart murmur could also be caused by an issue with a valve in the heart.

  • Mitral valve prolapse means that part of the valve actually balloons out and won’t close properly. This can cause a clicking type sound.
  • Aortic stenosis – if your valve narrows the heart has to work extra hard to pump blood to the rest of the body.
  • Aortic Sclerosis – scarring, stiffening, or thickening of the aortic valve. 1 in 3 of our elderly has this condition.
  • Regurgitation of the mitral or aortic valve – this means some of the blood flows back the wrong way and into your heart.
  • Congenital heart defects – this means you are born with the defect, it affects approximately 25,000 each year.

Most murmurs do not need or require treatment. They are not dangerous. But sometimes they are severe enough that it warrants medical intervention. They may require medicine, diuretics, or even in extreme cases, surgery to correct the problem.

What does a heart murmur feel like?

Usually, without the use of a stethoscope, you cannot detect a murmur. You may feel nothing at all. If you happen to have a bluish appearance on your lips or fingertips that is a tell-tale sign that often confuses people.

If you believe you may have a heart murmur its important to visit your cardiologist to get it checked out and make sure it’s innocuous. If you are in the Tampa, Florida area please make an appointment to come see us at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates.  813-975-2800. or visit us online at

What IS Fluoride? – A History Lesson


fluorideWater fluoridation is the addition of fluoride to the general water supply under the guise of helping to prevent tooth decay.

What IS fluoride?

Fluoride is a salt of hydrofluoric acid compound containing fluorine, as methyl fluoride, CH 3 F.

For those of us that didn’t excel in science class that definition did not help on clarity. This just leads us to yet another question. What is Fluorine? It is the most highly reactive nonmetallic element on the chart. It is a pale yellow toxic gas that is corrosive. This leads me to the next logical question. Can a toxic gas really be good for us and where and what exactly does the fluoride we are adding to our water supply come from?

The idea of adding it to the water supply was proposed based on the idea that fluoridated water works on tooth surfaces: inside the mouth it creates low levels of fluoride in saliva, which reduces the rate at which tooth enamel de-mineralizes. It also increases the rate at which it remineralizes in the early stages of cavities leaving fewer cavities overall.  Sounds good right? Of course, it does. We bought it hook line and sinker up until recently.

According to the National Health Federation as well as the New York State Coalition, they are both highly opposed to Fluoridation. Though yes, Fluoride exists in nature and is found in rock it is also laced with an industrial waste product known as fluosilicic acid. Fluoride is a pollutant.

Fluoride is a by-product of copper, iron and aluminum manufacturing. The problem became how to legally dump fluoride. One of America’s largest aluminum companies founded a study and suddenly the problem was solved in the 1930’s. The outcome was found that fluoride helped prevent tooth decay.

Now the marketing began

A successful public relations effort along with government agencies resulted in the propaganda being spread far and wide: this miracle chemical, when added to water supplies, will give everyone healthy teeth.

The fertilizer industry may have solved their issue of what to do with their toxic waste product, but public health and safety took a hit. This claim that this fluoridated water was healthy for teeth is false. Evidence shows fluoridation does not reduce tooth decay. A tooth decay epidemic is rampant in the U.S. today, reports the Surgeon General and cavity crises are occurring in many, if not all, fluoridated cities and states in 2018. Many cities are now rethinking and removing fluoride from their water supplies.

The first experimental city to accept fluoridated water happened in 1945 in Newburgh, New York. The study was originally slated to last 10 years but ended at only 5, and was somehow falsely declared a success.

No adults were studied. Children sick two weeks before examination were excluded – eliminating the very children who might have been exhibiting fluoride’s adverse effects. In this study, they used sodium fluoride, which is not the fluoride chemical used by over 91% of U.S. fluoridating communities today – Silicofluorides.

According to they state that  “While the opponents to community water fluoridation may be well-intentioned, there is no scientific basis on which anti-fluoridationists base their claims.” This is simply not the truth.

This missmatches findings by Dr. Barry Groves, Ph.D. who dedicated himself to exposing dietary misinformation, the very studies were done by the WHO (World Health Organization) were greatly exaggerated and even falsified. It has been shown in countries such as Denmark, Finland, and Sweden when fluoride was removed from the water, the incidence of cavities actually reduced.

Fluoride is a highly toxic substance, which before named a cavity fighter, was used in rat poison and insecticides. If all of these years we have been duped, what has all this fluoride we have been consuming really done to our bodies?

Ironically, when you consume too much fluoride your teeth can actually discolor and crumble.  In lab tests on animals, fluoride has been shown to enhance absorption of aluminum, which has been shown to cause Alzheimer’s. It has also been linked to osteoporosis, damage of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, leading to limited joint mobility, ligament calcification, muscular degeneration and neurological deficits. But worst of all fluoride has been linked to as many as 10,000 cancer deaths per year (the majority in bone cancer, primarily in men).

Fluoride has also been shown to lower intelligence in children. In one study 907 children age 8-13 were measured in retrospect to the amounts of fluoride in their environment. The developmental intelligence appeared to be hampered severely the younger the child was when high doses were administered.

Fluoride has also been shown to calcify the pineal gland.  It regulates the production of melatonin, which regulates the onset of puberty as well as protecting us from damage on a cellular level from free radicals. In some cultures, the pineal gland is also believed to be what is thought of as the third eye, and our source of visualization and imagination.

We can only suggest limiting your continued exposure to fluoride as much as possible.

There are many good high-quality fluoride free toothpaste available, as well as opting to drink distilled or fluoride filtered water from a system that utilizes a special filter or reverse osmosis, is a huge boost for your health, no matter your age.

***Please read the information provided before purchasing any water filter. Most do not actually remove fluoride. Placing a filter on your showerhead is also a tremendous help as your skin when showering opens up its pores and allows fluoridated and chlorinated water to penetrate and absorb into your system.

There are also ways to remove fluoride from your body through internal cleanses, heavy metal detoxifications and chelation

It’s up to you to decide if you feel fluoride is ok for you to ingest, we suggest you do some research and make up your own minds.

Chiropractor & Nutritionist in Fort Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent them before they start?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Do You Really Need an Amputation?

amputation limb salvage center tampa, fl

Check with Tampa Cardiovascular Associates Limb Salvage Center first!

amputation limb salvage center tampa, fl
If you are a diabetic being told that you may face losing a limb in the near future it is a terrifying statement to hear. Breathe and step back for a moment before agreeing.

A second opinion is always advisable. Tampa Cardiovascular Associates Limb Salvage Center would love to have the chance to consult with you before you make a life-and-body-altering decision that cannot be reversed.

We are a full-service cardiovascular association and one of our areas of specialty is taking care of nonhealing or hard to heal wounds. Diabetic injuries are often some of the toughest to treat. Open wounds can lead to infection and sometimes amputation. Last year alone there were over 80,000 amputations in the United States. We want that number reduced greatly.

Our goal is to salvage and save your limbs, even reattaching when possible. Our team of vascular surgeons are among the best in the world. Highly skilled and trained with years of experience. We view amputation as a very last resort in order to save the patient. We have found that over the years we are Abel to help most patients to successfully avoid amputative surgeries.

Before you agree to a possibly unnecessary and expensive surgery that will forever change your life please give us a call at Tampa Cardio Associates and allow us, and yourself, the opportunity to assess the situation and see what can be done.

The physicians and employees at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates are committed to providing our patients with the best available programs for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of artery and vein diseases. Our physicians maintain Board Certifications and are Affiliate Associate Professors in the USF College of Medicine, Department of Cardiology Our office labs are certified by ICAEL, ICANL, and ICAVL.

Guided by established rules laid out by the Wound Healing Society and the Society for Vascular Surgery we treat and manage wounds until they are healed. We resort to recommending amputation only if no other option is viable.

Give us a call at (813) 975-2800 or visit us online at You will be glad you did.

Natural Help for High Blood Pressure


high-blood-pressureBlood pressure defined

Blood pressure is the measure of pressure created by your heart beating, forcing the blood into your arteries and throughout your body. There are two numbers in the reading. The top number is known as systolic – it defines the maximum pressure inside your arteries as your heart beats. The bottom number known as diastolic is the amount of pressure inside the arteries between beats.

If you take your blood pressure and its over the recommended 120/80 it is important to pay attention and start tracking it. Heart disease doesn’t set in overnight. It takes time and can creep up on you till suddenly you are ill and dont even know what happened.

What’s “high” vs. Whats considered normal blood pressure

120/80 mm Hg. is ideal.

140/98 mm Hg signals possible Hypertension (high blood pressure)when the measurement is sustained for at least 2 consecutive readings.   Elevated blood pressure can present a problem because puts adds additional pressure to your entire cardiovascular system including your heart which must then work even harder to move the blood around your body. A continued reading at or above that level means you have hypertension.

What causes high blood pressure?

So far no exact cause has been pinpointed in high pressure for the majority of patients. This is known as primary high blood pressure. Secondary hypertension can come from the use of birth control pills, excessive alcohol intake, or even renal or thyroid disease. 

Other Factors That Can Come Into Play

  • Age
  • Level of physical activity (too sedentary of a lifestyle)
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Heredity
  • High Salt Intake
  • Drinking alcohol excessively
  • Get your thyroid blood levels checked

I have high blood pressure – what do I do?

There are several natural things that can help for you to try before resorting to pharmaceutical blood pressure medications which, while they may bring your numbers down to normal levels and be beneficial for your cardiovascular health have the high-risk potential for a wide range of very dangerous side effects which can affect your health physically and emotionally.

Natural Alternatives to Help Lower Blood Pressure

If you know you have high blood pressure and would like to consider some alternatives outside of medication we would love the opportunity to work with you to get your health to where it should be so you can live the best life possible.

Chiropractor & Nutritionist in Fort Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent them before they start?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Could Sugar Harm Your Heart?


sugarThe answer is YES sugar can harm your heart when eaten in excess.

Our bodies do not need sugar to function and run properly. They contribute nothing nutritionally.

When you first begin to eliminate sugar from your diet you may actually go through a withdrawal stage. Both physically and psychologically. You may miss the taste, the feel, the smell, everything about it. Sugar gives your body a high. But it isn’t a clean high and there is always a crash. The side effects being ill health and extra body fat. When repeated over and over again, damage can be done to the body and to the heart.

The American Medical Association of Internal Medicine back in January of 2014 found that the odds of dying from a heart-related condition rose incrementally right along with the patient’s diet – regardless of other factors that would seem to come into play such as age, sex, activity level, and even BMI.

Most adults in the USA consume 22 teaspoons of added sugar a day without even realizing it. That’s more than 3x what is recommended. Ideally no more than 100 calories a day (6 teaspoons) should come from sugar.

The  American diet is chock full of hidden sugars, especially prepackaged and processed foods. The amount of sugar you consume during a given day may surprise you. Our bodies are not designed to need excess sugar, especially non-natural sugars. They can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease as well as raise your cholesterol levels, boost your risk for high blood pressure and add on extra unwanted pounds.

Ways to Eliminate Added Sugars

Remove from your diet: Soft drinks, candies, cakes, cookies, pies, fruit drinks, milk products, grains,  canned fruit in syrups, fruit yogurts, cereals with added sugars, and so on. Get your sugar from natural sources such as fruit and whole milk in small servings.

To learn more about how to care for your heart, check back regularly. If you are in the Tampa, Florida area and looking for a great cardiovascular team check out Tampa Cardiovascular Associates or call us at (813) 975-2800.