Varicose and Spider Veins – What’s the Difference?


varicose-veins-spider-veins-tampa-cardioPeople often incorrectly use the terms “spider veins” and “varicose veins” interchangeably, and it’s important to understand that these are two very different conditions.

While one is a simple cosmetic problem, that while causing embarrassment and discomfort poses no real medical threat, the other can not only be very painful but also present physical signs of some very serious underlying conditions. Understanding the difference between these venous disorders can make all the difference in what kind of treatment a patient seeks, and whether they find it necessary to seek treatment at all.


What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins occur when the one-way valves within veins weaken, and a portion of the blood that is meant to be pumped back to the heart instead leaks back into the vein and collects, causing the veins to enlarge and bulge past the surface of the skin. Varicose veins can appear red, blue, or flesh-colored, are twisted or ropey in appearance, and can be found throughout the body, though most commonly in the legs where the force of gravity is greatest. Varicose veins are a condition in themselves that can be quite painful and uncomfortable, often causing aching, swelling, itching, burning, or feelings of heaviness in the legs. If ignored, varicose veins can result in skin ulcers that sometimes bleed and are very hard to heal. In the most extreme cases, varicose veins can lead to a condition called Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), which is present when a blood clot forms in a deeper vein. If one of these blood clots breaks off and travels to the lungs, the results can potentially be fatal.

What are Spider Veins?

Spider veins are caused by a back up of blood in the veins and appear very close to the surface of the skin in sunburst or spider web patterns, hence their name. Spider veins are typically quite small, but can appear in a variety of locations on the body, most commonly on the legs but also on the arms and even on the face. These red or blue veins can be brought about by hormone changes, injury, or sun exposure, and treatments are available to remove them if the patient so desires. Fortunately, while spider veins can be unsightly and uncomfortable, they are typically not causing alarm and only present a cosmetic problem for the patient.

If a condition or ailment appearing on your body concerns you, it is always wise to seek the advice of a medical professional.

While most spider veins are harmless and not all varicose veins lead to more serious conditions, only a medical professional can decide whether your personal condition calls for further action. Treatments for both spider veins and varicose veins are readily available, and because varicose veins are considered a health condition, their treatment or removal is covered by most insurance policies, making their treatment affordable as well.

If you are in any way concerned about the health of your veins, please visit the Vein Center at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates to speak with a certified vein specialist. (813) 975-2800. 

Vein Disease Worsened By the Habit of Smoking


The fact is that smoking cigarettes does direct damage to your circulatory system and if you have venous disease already it will exacerbate it. 

smoking-veins-west-florida-vein-center-tampa-floridaThe damage done to the circulatory system is most noticeable in the form of surface-level varicose and spider veins. Vein disease often causes pain on top of cosmetic embarrassment, but the true damage and potential for life-threatening issues occur internally.

The full damage cannot be fully viewed without an examination by a vein specialist. One of the more serious conditions that can come from venous disease is DVT deep vein thrombosis. DVT is a condition that occurs when blood clots form within the deep veins.

Deep vein thrombosis can cause the life-threatening condition known as a pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary embolisms can occur when a blood clot started by DVT breaks off, travels through the bloodstream, and becomes stuck in the lungs. This clot can block and prevent blood flow, and even result in death. Smokers are 50% more likely to develop DVT than are non-smokers.

How exactly does smoking affect a person’s vascular system?

The toxic chemicals which are added to cigarettes wreak havoc on the body’s circulatory system. Nicotine causes arteries to narrow and harden, greatly increasing the risk for the formation of blood clots. Other chemical compounds found in cigarettes thicken blood reducing the oxygen flow. This slows the blood flow. With both of these factors combined,  it’s easy to understand that smoking thickens the blood and at the same time narrows the path that it has to travel through. This can lead to some very serious health conditions.

The best solution for preventing smoking-related venous disease is to never start smoking. For those who already smoke, the best advice is to stop smoking immediately.

The damage done from smoking is not completely irreversible. Quitting can greatly reduce the risks of cigarette-related venous disease, as well as reduce the risks of cancer and heart disease. If you choose to keep smoking being a lifetime smoker almost guarantees a vascular surgery in their future.

Many vein conditions are now easily treatable with minimally invasive techniques and procedures, with many patients reporting little to no pain as well as almost immediate relief of their symptoms. Contact our staff today to learn about the many options available to you and to schedule an appointment at our state of the art Tampa vein center. The West Florida Vein Center looks forward to serving you.

(727) 712-3233.

Chiropractic – Great for All Ages!


babies-newborns-chiropractor-dr-jason-kaster-fort-myersThe sooner you start chiropractic adjustments the better off your child will be for life.

The experience of birthing is traumatic to the bodies of both mother and child. The pressure is immense and can result in twisting, pushing, or even pulling.

Not everyone is delivered easily. It is not difficult for the spine to be jarred out of alignment causing subluxations in both mother and baby.

Whatever condition you are born in is your start in life. It most certainly benefits you to have a straight aligned spine from the beginning.

Our Spinal column and the nerves are responsible for the function of every system and organ’s automatic and conscious reaction. When aligned this beautiful machine works perfectly. Putting a bend in the wires can slow or halt electrical impulses. This works much like stepping on a garden hose, the water won’t come out. It can lead to problems. If your baby is always crying and fussy, they may have a subluxation. They can’t communicate and are trying in the only way that they can to tell you something is wrong.

What Chiropractic Can Help Babies With

Adjustments can be made as soon as they are born. It is a great idea for all new children to see the family chiropractor as soon as possible. Here are some signs you may notice which signal that they could benefit from an adjustment:

Arching of the back – Babies natural shape is an adaptable flexible body position which allows them to hug tight to their mother. If your baby seems stiff or keeps arching, it may be a sign of pain or tension.

Avoid Future dental work – Dental tooth alignment problems can be avoided by taking your baby to see your chiropractor while their mouth is still soft and forming. They can adjust the roof and palate of the mouth allowing teeth to be guided in, straight.

Breast Feeding Trouble – If your baby is having trouble latching or can only tilt their head to one side an adjustment helps to increase the range of motion.

Colic – Often times an adjustment will help them feel better overall and ease the body’s tension and soothe them to stop crying. Though there is no known accepted medical cause chiropractic often helps.

Constipation / Diarrhea / Sick to the Stomach –  The ileocecal valve may need to be adjusted. If it is stuck open, these are the symptoms.

Tilted head – Restricted neck movement is indicated by a head tilt. This can also contribute to flat spots on the head. Seeing a Chiropractor should help unlock a full range of motion.

If you have a child in your family, we would love to meet you and get them on the best path to health throughout their life.

The Aftermath of a Car Accident – How to Cope


car-accident-fort-myers-dr-jason-kasterCar accidents are one of the most traumatic experiences you can have in life. That horrible feeling that time is slowed, the brace for impact, and finally that jarring body jolting slam as the collision happens… there is a moment of pause where everything just stands still… and then reality sets back in and you have to gather your thoughts and refocus… “Am I hurt?”

Immediately following an accident you will be asked if you would like to go to the hospital to be examined.

In Florida, you have 14 days to seek medical treatment for an accident from any and all sources. The claim must be started or you by law release your right to coverage under your insurance’s PIP (personal injury protection) as well as potentially your right to sue for damages.

Even a minor accident can throw your body out of alignment causing soft tissue damage. It’s in your best interest to go see your chiropractor as soon as possible.

Soft tissue injuries lead to pain, swelling, and inflammation. It is vital that they are properly treated to ensure the best healing circumstance possible and get you on the road to recovery.

Your health should be your number one concern in an accident. At the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. they specialize in auto accident recovery offering not only chiropractic but many alternative adjacent therapies such as decompression, ultrasound, and electro-stimulation as well as therapeutic massage services right in the office.

When you visit your chiropractor a claim will be initiated by your insurance carrier. You may also keep a journal and claim mileage to and from all medically related appointments for reimbursement. They will pay your doctor(s) directly in your name. This allows you to get the treatment you need with no upfront out of pocket cost.

PIP with no additional medical coverage selected in Florida is valued at $10,000.  If you have elected additional medical coverage that can be utilized as well. This can go a long way in getting you back to health. If medical bills exceed your allowed amounts you may want to consult with an auto injury attorney as well.

If you have been involved in an accident in Southwest, Florida please call 239-332-2555 or visit for more information or to schedule your appointment.

Varicose Veins – Think You Know the Facts?


veins-tampa-florida-tampa-cardio-vein-centerOur circulatory system is an amazing mechanism. Veins run throughout our entire body. They feed blood to every organ and cellular tissue. When veins sustain damage from trauma or vein disease – venous insufficiency they begin stages of venous insufficiency. 

Damage to valves along with pooling blood is the cause of varicose veins. Though varicose veins are sometimes thought of as a cosmetic issue the effects can be medical as well. Varicose and damaged veins can lead to leg pain, swelling, ulceration, itching, aching, and even death of areas of flesh due to decreased circulation.

Even if you know the basics, we thought we would share some interesting vein facts that you might not know:

  • Veins are more defined during strenuous exercise. This is due to increased arterial pressure. Blood that would normally be resting in capillaries during a work out is now forced into the surrounding muscle. This is what is known as a “pump”.
  • One of the very first drawings of vein disease was on a tablet dating back to the 4th century in Greece.  The carving shows a man gripping a disembodied leg with a big bulging vein on it.
  • The human body can form new pathways and vessels if one becomes blocked! The process is called angiogenesis. This is the way that your body heals if you get a cut or scrape. Your body will compensate for the lack of blood flow in any way that it can. It is best though to seek medical attention if you notice that you have problems with varicose veins. The sooner you seek treatment, the better, less invasive, less expensive, and better the prognosis will be.
  • Strong veins are essential – your heart depends on your veins for nourishment, as does every other organ. If your veins are too weak to get the blood where it goes it can cause pooling, discoloration, and even wounds that are very tough to heal.
  • Pre 17th Century doctors believed there were two blood systems – one where the liver was the organ pumping the blood and another which carried air from the lungs and blood to tissue. It wasn’t viewed as circulating but more of an ebb and flow. It was not until 1682 that Dr. Wiliam Harvey first correctly outlined what our circulatory system actually does and how it works.

You may not be obsessed with anatomy history and facts the way that we are, but we do hope you found this interesting!

If you are looking for a cardiologist or Vein Specialist in the Tampa, Florida area we invite you to visit WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM or give us a call to set a consultation by calling 813-975-2800.

Reduce Alcohol Intake for Vein Health


varicose-veins-alcohol-Dr-zuzga-That’s right. The health of your veins can be majorly impacted by what you choose to put in your body. Alcohol being one of the very worst offenders when it comes to damaging vein and circulatory health.

Vein disease can begin because of family genetics and you are even more prone if you are a woman. The good news is that there are many factors completely within your control. Weight, diet, activity level, and lifestyle including drinking excessively and or doing drugs can have a big effect on health.

When it comes to health and diet, people are quick to analyze what they are eating but often overlook what they drink. Excessive alcohol consumptions effect on varicose veins is a lesser contributing factor, but it should nevertheless be taken into account when considering potential causes of venous insufficiency.

Varicose veins are caused due to a circulatory malfunction. It is a fact that alcohol affects blood circulation so it should come as no shock that the two are intertwined. The body’s circulatory system consists of the heart, veins, valves, and arteries. They all assist in pumping blood from the heart, through the body, then returned to the heart once again.

Blood is pumped back up to the heart through the veins by way of a series of one-way valves that open in the direction of the heart closing immediately after the blood has passed. When valves are damaged they are unable to prevent a backflow of blood. This backwash causes pressure to build up in the veins which result in the swollen, bulging, and enlarged appearance associated with varicose veins.

When alcohol is consumed it increases the heart rate. This makes your entire circulatory system work harder as a result. Because alcohol intake also has a direct effect on a person’s liver, which is responsible for filtering blood as it is circulated, alcohol attacks the veins from multiple angles. When the liver is unable to properly filter the blood of toxins and waste, the blood becomes thicker and more viscous, making it even harder for those already fragile leg veins to function properly.

Consuming alcohol does not automatically lead to varicose veins if no other risk factors are present, it can make the development of varicose veins and venous insufficiency far more likely in those people who are predisposed to such conditions or who are already experiencing symptoms.

Dr. Zuzga of West Florida Vein Center is not going to tell you that you should never drink alcohol  again, if your goal is healthy veins he may suggest that it is wise to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages if varicose veins are already present or if your gender, age, or family history makes you a likely candidate for future venous disease.

Interested to learn more?
Visit or call (727) 712-3233 to schedule an in-person appointment with Dr. Zuzga of the West Florida Vein Center.

Boost Heart Health Nutritionally!


nutrition-tampa-cardio-heart-healthWe were all brought up with the four food groups. Meat & Dairy, Grains, Vegetables & Fruits, and “other”.  It didn’t include or take into account all of this frozen, premade, and fast food we are bombarded with. While technically they still fall into those groups, these foods are chemically altered, GMO, and preservatived to death. There is little to no nutritional value in a lot of it.

It saves us money and hassle, but at what cost are you eating these things on a daily, monthly, yearly, lifetime basis?

Your body needs nutrients to thrive and survive. When it doesn’t get everything it needs it can create nutritional deficiencies. These deficiencies can be hard on your body, mind, health and even individual organs.

Navigating the world of health can be tough. In order to really know exactly what your body needs testing may be in order. Working with a certified nutritional consultant is incredibly helpful and save you a lot of trial and error as well as guesswork and money.

You should see a nutritionist if:

1. You are over the weight you ideally would like to be at

Trying to navigate the world of weight loss on your own can be boggling. There are so many diets, so many conflicting opinions, so many people trying and failing. Fad diets do not work long term. You have to change the way you think about food and what you buy when you shop. Many weight loss and fat burner pills are hard on if not a danger to your heart. Working with a nutritionist can help you set a good path to follow, making it a step by step easy guide along with support.

2. You have food sensitivities or allergies

What is just fine for one person may send another into a bout of hives or anaphylactic shock. Allergies and sensitive can cause headaches, stomach aches, diarrhea, hives, swelling, and yes in the extreme, even shock. If you cannot figure out what is going on with your body or pinpoint exactly what you are having a reaction to, come see us. We can help identify, so you can avoid it or even try therapy to desensitize yourself to it over time.

3. You have a serious medical condition – such as heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure.

All of these conditions require a specialized diet. A nutritionist can help you rework your diet to add in items that help heal the body and eliminate anything you may be eating that is detrimental to your health. Food is medicine and it is important to use it wisely.

4. Be proactive and help prevent any future illnesses

Even if you are currently healthy, if you have a family history of heart disease or diabetes you may want to visit a nutritionist to ensure your health stays on track by eating right for your body and genetics. Eating right can improve your mental focus, your appearance, and your overall well being. It can help you age more gracefully, and enjoy life more fully. This really is the best time and best reason of all to seek the knowledge of a nutritionist.

5. Don’t go it alone. Support and help are right here.

We all go into a new way of eating all excited and gung-ho. Sticking to it is the hard part and some times it really helps to have an outside perspective, some accountability, and a Cheerleader on your side. Our nutritionists at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates are here for you every step of the way. We get no more pleasure than watching someone’s body and life transform, especially when we get the honor of playing a part in it.

If you are ready to take that next step and change your health for the better, then please contact Tampa Cardiovascular Associates today, and make an appointment with our on-staff licensed nutritionist. 813-975-2800.

Look and Feel Your Very Best This Summer!


summer-legs-west-florida-vein-centerThings are hot this summer here in Florida and our clothing choices show it. Tank tops, skirts, bathing suits, shorts, we will adorn nearly anything to keep cool. That poses a problem when you are living with venous insufficiency or vein disease.

Not only is vein disease uncomfortable and even sometimes painful it is visually embarrassing for many. Your once beautiful legs now marred by purple and blue lines. Here is the thing… unlike the old days, you don’t simply have to grin and bear it or wear ankle-length skirts the way your grandmother did. You can fix the issue in a few quick painless appointments with our office.

The initial appointment is a consultation. We will take a look at your current state and take into consideration your entire medical history. From there we will create a treatment plan customized to your needs to get you the very best results possible.

The West Florida Vein Center is proud to offer a variety of state of the art vein dissolution services that can help heal your legs and rid you of unsightly painful varicose and spider veins.

We offer the following vein treatment options:

Venefit™ Targeted Endovenous Therapy procedure, formerly known as the VNUS Closure™ procedure, for the treatment of varicose veins and CVI. The procedure is a minimally invasive segmental ablation treatment that utilizes radiofrequency energy to provide an even and uniform heat to contract the collagen in the vein walls, causing them to collapse and seal. Once the diseased vein is closed, blood will re-route itself to other healthy veins. This procedure allows for a quick, comfortable recovery and a return to everyday activities for the average patient, while also improving the appearance of varicose veins. It has been proven in clinical studies to have excellent long term effectiveness, with less pain and bruising than laser.

Endovenous Ablation

This revolutionary new treatment for large varicose veins was pioneered at Cornell University in New York. Originally performed in Spain, the EndoVenous Laser Ablation is performed in the office, takes less than an hour and accomplishes the same thing as a major surgical vein stripping. Using ultrasound guidance and local anesthesia, a thin laser fiber in a catheter is threaded up to the vein. As the catheter is slowly withdrawn, the laser shrinks and seals the large vein that causes varicose veins in most patients. There is little or no visible scarring. In those patients who are candidates for the procedure, it is 97% successful.

Microphlebectomy / Phlebectomy

Varicose veins are micro-surgically removed through tiny punctures about the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen.  The word “phlebectomy” literally means removing the vein. On the day of the procedure, the doctor or nurse will mark your leg where the veins bulge out. Then, a special local anesthetic (numbing medication) called “tumescent” is injected into the area surrounding your vein. The doctor will make tiny incisions or “stabs” of about 2-3mm – the size of a ball-point pen tip – and use a crochet-type hook to “grab” the vein and remove it. This interrupts the vein, causes any remaining portions of the vein to “clot off”, and gets rid of those unsightly bulgy areas!


Sclerotherapy involves the injection, via a very fine needle, of a solution into small to medium varicose veins and spider veins. The solution causes the veins to shrink, close off and gradually disappear. A session usually lasts approximately 15 minutes. There are few reported allergic reactions to the solution used. Depending on the number of veins, multiple sessions may be required, which will be decided after the initial consultation and evaluation.

If you are considering vein treatment but haven’t quite decided yet, let us help you make the right decision for you. Give us a call at (727) 712-3233 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Zuzga or visit to learn more.

Lower Back Pain Keeping You Awake? – Try These Simple Tips


ower-back-pain-dr-kaster-fort-myers-800x527No one enjoys tossing, turning, getting up to take anti-inflammatories, hot baths, ice packs, or whatever may possibly sooth you enough to get to sleep. It makes for a long rough night.

Once you finally get to sleep if you fall asleep in a “bad” sleeping position it can actually exacerbate the condition even further. You make wake up feeling even worse than when you went to bed. It is all incredibly frustrating and exhausting. This happens because some positions put more pressure on the hips, back, and neck unnecessarily.

It is vital to maintain the natural curve of the spine while lying in bed. Without it, you do not have proper alignment or support.  Make sure your head, shoulders, and hips are aligned.  This way your back is properly supported. Sleeping on your back is the best possible position.

Switching up the position you may have slept in for years isn’t an easy task but it can be done. Don’t give up if you wake up in the old position. Keep trying. You will get there.

Best positions for back pain

#1 On your back with a pillow under your knees.

This position helps distribute your weight evenly. A small pillow under the neck supports the curve of the spine.

#2 If you are a side sleeper put a thin pillow between your knees.

This raises the thigh restoring the natural alignment of the spine. Make sure you have a pillow under your head as well. If you are a constant flipper, add another pillow in a hug position. This will keep you in place and making rolling over more difficult.

#3 The  fetal position 

This position may help bring relief during the night for those with herniated discs. Lying on your side with your knees tucked up to the chest reduces the bend of the spine and also helps loosen up joints.

Also, use a pillow under your neck as well.

#4 Facedown sleepers – If you must sleep on your stomach, do it with a pillow under your stomach area. This will help reduce pressure.

This is only helpful for those with a herniated disc or spinal disc degeneration. Use a flat pillow for your head or sleep without one.

#5 Sleep reclined (on your back)

This can help with lower back pain especially if you have spondylolisthesis. This will work in either an adjustable bed or a recliner chair. It may take a few nights to adjust. If you tend to roll over do not use this method as you may hurt your hips.

#6 See your Chiropractor Regularly.
Regular adjustments help your body stay in alignment allowing you the most restful painless sleep possible.

Ready for an adjustment? 

Chiropractor | Nutritionist in Ft Myers, FL

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Add to that, nutritional recommendations that can help your body heal itself. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

EKG Readings – What They Can Say About Your Heart

EKG tampa cardio

EKG tampa cardioIf your doctor has ever told you “You need an EKG”. You may know the feeling of confusion and worry both in an instant. We do not know how much medical knowledge each of our patients actually have come into our office. We don’t want to insult you by seemingly talking down to you, so sometimes we don’t explain as much as maybe we should.

Today lets take a look at an EKG (Electrocardiogram). It is also sometimes referred to as an ECG. This test can help track and diagnose the heart’s electrical activity. The EKG only takes 10 minutes. It consists of a technician attaching twelve leads directly to your chest to get a readout from each individual line. It measures for a ten second period of time.

What can an EKG show your physician?

An EKG can show if you have experienced a heart attack – While heart attacks generally will cause significant pain and you readily suspect you are having a heart attack, in as many as 45% of cases there are no symptoms at all. You may not even realize it is or has happened. That is what is known as a silent heart attack.

It may not be found unless you have an EKG which sill show your doctor any blockage in your coronary artery which could lead to future events.

An EKG can show if you have a heart arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm). When healthy your heart pumps steadily. If there is a dysfunction in electrical signals being fired it can cause an abnormal heartbeat.

An EKG can show if you are getting enough oxygen to the heart – Your heart requires oxygen to function properly and stay strong. If your heart experiences ischemia (lack of oxygen for a prolonged time) it can begin to die. This leads to heart failure and even possibly death.

An EKG will show heart enlargement – When healthy, your heart is about the size of your fist. Some medical conditions will cause the heart to grow larger, stretching the muscle making it weaker. Causes may include unregulated high blood pressure, aging, heart failure, heart disease, and viral infections.

EKG’s are an important diagnostic tool for Cardiologists. It’s an easy quick test to administer and can help your physician get a more full picture of what is going on with your heart.

We hope this gives you a better understanding of what an EKG is and why one may be recommended.

If you are looking for a great team of cardiologists right here in the Tampa Bay, Florida area give us a call and make an appointment today! (813) 975-2800.