Are You Working Out Correctly?

working out

working outIf you look around in any gym you will see a great bunch of well-meaning motivated people working out to get in shape. The problem is that many of them are simply doing it all wrong.

What do I mean?
They, by the standards of proper body mechanics, have very bad. Bad form not only will not produce the results you are looking for, it also can very easily lead to injury. It can also cause additional wear and tear on other body parts.

When starting any exercise program it is a good idea to first visit your chiropractor. Allow them to get you in proper alignment. They can make sure you have no limitations that should be looked out for. This is very much along the lines of the same train of thought that says you should go get an alignment on your car before taking a long road trip so you don’t wear your tires or other mechanical parts unevenly.)

Additional to spinal alignment we can also get you set up on a nutritional plan to make sure you get the maximum results from your workouts.

Many gyms do offer an introductory personal training session. It is a good idea to take this one session at the very minimum. You can talk with them about your goals and ask questions about machines and weight-bearing exercise. If it is in your budget, schedule a few more sessions until you feel you have the hang of it.

Once you feel the way to do an exercise properly you will realize the difference from an incorrect movement. The right way will allow you to focus on the muscle or muscle group being worked. When done incorrectly you are overcompensating with other body parts to complete the movement.

A great thought to go by is – when in doubt? Ask. It will save you time, frustration, wasted effort and even possibly save you from an injury.

If you are in the Southwest Florida area we invite you to visit the offices of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. before starting your exercise program. 239-332-2555.

As Within So Without – Beauty is not just skin deep


Outer beauty is a direct result of inner health and wellness.

If you feel like you are starting to look run down or just lackluster, here are a few tips that can boost your health and in turn change that reflection in the mirror for the better. We are a product of our own choices and lifestyles.

  1. Drink lots of fresh clean water. Try to consume one gallon of water per day. It may seem like a lot at first, but you do quickly get used to it. Water is the universal solvent, it cleans and purifies the body on a cellular level. Proper hydration helps all of your organs including your skin. For a more radiant glow – drink water.
  1. Dry Skin – While hydration and water are a part of that, good fats are also a very likely culprit. Your body needs fat to run properly. Without enough your skin will be dry, you may experience brain fog, and if long-term you may run into other health issues. Good fats to eat regularly include coconut oil, nuts, avocados, and oily fish.
  2. Dull not so white eyes? – if you aren’t sleeping well, you work too much staring at a computer screen, smoke, drink, or even have nutritional deficiencies they can be reflected in the eye. Destress, get rest, stop smoking, cut back on the drinking, and take outdoor breaks away from the screen as well as your portable devices. Additionally, the old wives tale about sliced cucumbers over your eyes is actually based in science. Placing chilled cucumber slices on your eyes for 15 minutes a day reduces puffiness and redness. Rosewater works as well. dab on cotton balls and place over the eyes the same way you would with the cucumber slices.
  3. Great hair can be yours – Your hair requires protein, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, selenium, and zinc. Folic acid also helps strengthen hair growth. Making sure you have a well rounded healthy diet can boost the look and feel of hair as well as its ability to grow without splitting or breaking off.
  4. Muscle tone – Exercise is key to feeling and looking better. Muscle mass doesn’t just help us lift and move things, it helps to support your entire skeletal body frame. It all works in conjunction to support our organs and hold us together.

As within, so without. When you feel good, health becomes radiant. If you are feeling dull and lifeless or have targeted health issues you want to work on improving call the offices of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. he can work with you through the use of chiropractic, massage therapy, alternative complementary therapies as well as nutrition to get you on the road to being the very best healthiest possible version of you that you can be.

Chiropractor in Ft Myers, FL, and Naples, FL

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor in Fort Myers and Naples, can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Gallstones – What you need to know!


GallstonesGallbladder pain is unmistakable if you have ever experienced it. It can range from a dull ache to a sharper debilitating doubling over kind of pain that seems to go straight through your core.

It is alarming to say the very least. With so many organs in your abdomen, there are many reasons this area can be experiencing pain. If you haven’t previously had a gallbladder attack you may not be able to pinpoint what it is without some medical intervention.

Let’s see if we can help narrow it down for you:

Where is your gallbladder located? The gallbladder sits in the upper right part of your abdomen just under your liver. This organ’s purpose is to store and concentrate bile, provide bile salts for fat digestion, and it also helps cholesterol transport and recycling.

Gallstones, for the most part, begin to form in the gallbladder when the cholesterol cannot be kept in a dissolved state, so it begins to crystallize and turn to stones. When these stone get larger, they’re known as gallstones. If they don’t affect bile movement a person will never know these stones are there because they have no signs or symptoms. Stones can be seen with imaging techniques such as ultrasound or CT scan.

A person’s gender and race seem to dictate the likelihood of developing gallstones. For example, gallstones are prevalent in 5 percent of black males but 64 percent in Native American women.

How do you know if your pain is gallstone pain? The pain you feel will be located in the upper center or right of the abdomen; this pain will be persistent for one to six hours, especially after eating fatty/rich foods. Often, this obstruction in the bile duct will resolve on its own and pain will disappear; however, if this pain lasts longer than six hours, the pressure in the gallbladder builds leading to distension, inflammation, and swelling; this is referred to as cholecystitis.

If a patient has cholecystitis and it is quickly diagnosed, it will be treated with fluids, bowel rest, and antibiotics. If they have another attack, gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy) is a recommended. If not treated right away, the cholecystitis symptoms will worsen; a person will become feverish, nauseous, and even vomit. The pain will begin to spread up to the upper part of the back, and this is when a person usually heads to urgent care or the ER.

Serious cases of cholecystitis can lead to further and more life-threatening complications such as infection of the liver bile ducts, gangrene of the gallbladder, and pancreatitis. All these conditions require hospitalization, drainage, and antibiotics.

If a cholecystectomy is needed, gallbladder removal, this is a same-day surgery and patient can eat later in the day or the following day. A person doesn’t need a gallbladder to survive. Without the gallbladder, only small amounts of fat can be digested at a time. If a person consumes too much fat, he or she will experience diarrhea.

If you been experiencing abdominal pain, it’s time to see your doctor. Gallbladder issues, left untreated over time will get worse. If it’s extreme and you are unable to see your doctor quickly, head to the ER or an urgent care center. For a primary doctor in the Fort Myers area, contact Dr. Kordonowy of Internal Medicine, Lipid & Wellness. Through an examination and testing, Dr. Kordonowy can diagnose the cause of your stomach pain. To book an appointment, click here or call 239-362-3005, ext. 200.  Dr. Kordonowy is a concierge doctor and provides direct primary care services.

Restless Legs at Night – Here is the Cause


RLSWhen you try and lay down at night to fall asleep do your legs start moving and twitching involuntarily? This is what is known as Restless Leg Syndrome. It can range from uncomfortable to incredibly annoying, even painful and lead to insomnia, which in turn can bring about other lack of sleep related health problems.


Restless leg syndrome is a chronic disorder that affects up to 10 percent of Americans and twice as many women as men, according to the Cleveland Clinic. The movements make it difficult to sleep or sit comfortably for long periods of time and can lead to insomnia or trouble staying awake during the daytime.

While restless leg syndrome can have several underlying genetic and health causes, those suffering from venous insufficiency may have symptoms consistent with RLS. Venous insufficiency is typically the result of blood clots and varicose veins and occurs when there is inadequate blood flow through the veins, which causes blood to pool.

The most common treatment for sufferers of venous insufficiency is a compression stocking or an elastic stocking that creates pressure around a target area on the leg. Compression stockings can improve blood flow and reduce swelling. Additional relief may be achieved by keeping your legs elevated, keeping your legs uncrossed when sitting, avoiding dietary triggers and, of course, regular exercise.

Some physicians may prescribe medications, such as an anticoagulant to thin the blood or a diuretic to draw fluid from the body.

More serious cases of venous insufficiency may require surgery to repair or remove veins. Those procedures could involve minimally invasive endoscopic surgery to tie off varicose veins, laser surgery to close a damaged vein or sclerotherapy — the injection of a chemical into a vein to shrink and permanently close it.

For those with a family history of venous insufficiency, medical experts recommend staying active, not smoking or quitting smoking and maintaining a healthy body weight. Talk to your healthcare provider about what type of treatment is best for you.

For a vein specialist referral, or for more information on vein disorders and treatments, visit

Jaw Pain – Is it TMJ?


TMJTMJ can be caused by your genetics, trauma to the jaw or even arthritis. Nocturnal tooth grinding and clenching can also play a role, though tooth grinders don’t always develop TMJ.

TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) is an incredibly painful condition that is situated within the muscles of the jaw and cheekbone. The temporomandibular joint acts like a sliding hinge which is the connection from your skull to the jawbone.

Whiplash from auto accidents can be an initial cause of an onset of TMJ. When ligaments tear or stretch it can pull the jaw out of position. Other injuries involving the facial area can have the same results.

Common complaints include pain, stiffness, clicking sounds that are audible to others and even having your jaw lock up from time to time. It may even extend to a dull ache around the ear and back of the head. Chewing may cause pain as well. These are all a result of the jaw itself becoming misaligned. Over time if not corrected adhesions can form in the muscle keeping the jaw out of place.

If not treated properly, over time degeneration of the disc between the jaw and the skull can occur, wearing away which leaves only bone on bone to rub together wreaking havoc on the nerves located in that area.

Visiting your Chiropractor for jaw pain can be a tremendous help. They take an overall approach to well-being and help to determine the cause and the resulting best course of action.

Manual adjustments may be used as a treatment for the jaw disorder. Your doctor may press on areas of your skull, jaw and upper spine in order to help relieve irritated inflamed nerves increasing your jaw’s range. The active release technique which is a soft tissue based therapy is likely to be used. This manipulation can help your body break up the adhesions as well as scar tissue on the muscles and ligaments. When combined with regularly scheduled chiropractic treatment it has proven to be a very effective method to obtain healing and pain relief.

Leading experts at The National Institutes of Health recommend these treatments as the best course of action. Noninvasive treatments should always be tried first, rather than automatically leaning towards aggressive treatments such as surgery and implants, which penetrate the tissues of the face, jaw or joint.

If you have facial pain, jaw pain or grind your teeth in your sleep come in and talk to us at Nutrition Specialists of Florida or give us a call at 239-947-1177.

Vitamins, Supplements that are Good for Your Heart


A healthy diet could aide in saving your life. By eating balanced, nutritious meals, you are fueling the body with what it needs to keep your cholesterol and sugar levels in check, while fighting off harmful diseases. Instead of thinking about what to take out of your diet, focus your attention on what foods you should be adding in to your daily eating habits. Lean meats, fruits, vegetables, “good” fats, and whole grains are essential to your health, especially heart health.

However, no one has the perfect diet. Life gets in the way sometimes, and you could have a few days in the week in which you didn’t get in enough vitamins. Whether you were too busy or just not in the mood for a salad, your diet can sometimes fall short. That’s OK. If your consistently eating healthy over time, your body will reap the benefits. Since we cannot have the perfect diet, it can be good for you to supplement your diet with vitamins, but talk to your doctor about what you should or can take daily, especially if you think you may have a vitamin deficiency.

For this article, I wanted to share with you some vitamins and supplements that you can take to help with your cardiovascular health. Whether you currently have a heart condition or not, it’s always a good idea to try and keep your heart at its healthiest, since heart disease is the #1 killer in America. The following list are supplements and vitamins that can help keep heart conditions at bay, or keep your heart from further deterioration.

Magnesium – Magnesium helps sodium move throughout the cells in the body, supports relaxation and dilation of vascular arterial walls and stabilizes heart rhythm.

Omega-3 – Omega-3 helps the body balance cholesterol and triglycerides, which is great for people who are at risk for heart disease. Omega-3 is also known to lower blood pressure and slows down the buildup of plaque in the arteries.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) – Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that fights off free radicals, and manages blood pressure and cholesterol. It also helps with keep the arteries healthy and muscle cells optimally utilizing energy.

L-carnitine – L-carnitine helps transport fat into the mitochondria to be used and burned as fuel by cells.

Arginine – Arginine is an amino acid that helps improve vascular function.

Phospholipids– are necessary to “prime” the HDL particle thus allowing it to sop up cholesterol.

If you’re looking for help with your diet or have concerns about your heart health, Dr. Kordonowy of Internal Medicine, Lipid & Wellness of Fort Myers offers comprehensive dietary consults to his patients. Dr. Kordonowy also offers vitamins and supplements for you to purchase online here.   Dr. Kordonowy offers direct patient care membership and concierge services including the unique Inpatient Advocate Service™. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kordonowy, call 239-362-3005, ext. 200 or click here.

Dealing with IBS


ibsIrritable bowel syndrome – and the uncomfortable abdominal pain, gas and chronic diarrhea or constipation that goes with it – can be a mild inconvenience or a severe impediment to daily life, affecting an individual’s social and professional habits. Two out of every three people with IBS symptoms are female, according to the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders.

This disorder is estimated to affect as many as 45 million Americans. The symptoms are tough to deal with, painful, uncomfortable and if you don’t happen to be at home when an attack strikes, embarrassing as well.

Experts say emotional stress can aggravate symptoms, but stress alone doesn’t cause IBS. Hormonal changes and reactions to certain types of foods or beverages also play a role in the severity or frequency of symptoms.

While the root cause of IBS isn’t known and a cure doesn’t exist, experts believe that poorly coordinated signals between the brain and the gut are to blame, along with abnormalities in the gastrointestinal nervous system. A family history of IBS may increase the risk of symptoms, which can affect each person differently.

A gastroenterologist can help with the management of IBS symptoms and can recommend prescription medications or over-the-counter drugs. Those experiencing discomfort may the reduce the severity of symptoms by:

 –Slowly increasing the amount of soluble fiber in your daily diet.  Digestible fiber promotes regular bowel movements and reduces constipation. Soluble fibers are commonly found in oats and beans.

–Keep track of the type of symptoms you’re experiencing, how long they last and any triggers that may be associated with them, including sources of emotional stress. Also, note any medications or supplements you’ve been taking.On the other hand, insoluble fiber – which is found in cabbage, lettuce, onions, and peppers — may increase symptoms, so pay attention to which fruits and vegetables precede discomfort.

–Reduce the consumption of caffeine and alcohol, known triggers of IBS symptoms. Spicy meals, rich dairy products, and foods that are high in fat can also trigger irregular bowel movements.

It’s worth noting that physicians recommend those with IBS symptoms get checked for Celiac Disease, an autoimmune disorder that’s triggered by the consumption of gluten – a protein typically found in wheat and grains.

Gastroenterologists Brent M. Meyers M.D., Evelyn R. Kessel M.D. and Irma Cruz M.D. in Fort Meyers and Cape Coral are members of the Independent Physicians Association of Lee County, a network of independent physicians committed to maintaining high-quality medical care in southwest Florida. For help selecting an independent physician or for more information on the IPALC, call 239-314-0791 or visit



Managing Hives

ipalc rash

ipalc rashBreaking out in hives can make you crazy. The itching, the scratching, it can be so intense it keeps you up at night. Nothing seems to help and until you know the source, you feel doomed to bouts at pretty well any moment.

When they initially come to pass it becomes a process of elimination in order to figure out the cause and eliminate it from your life.

Brought on by Hives, although normally associated with allergic reactions, can also be brought on by stress, insect bites, certain medications, infections, sun exposure and even extreme cold. The sooner you identify what it is that is causing hives for you, the better and more quickly you can halt them.

What works?

  1. Avoidance of the stimulant is the #1 best defense. If you can’t avoid it or haven’t yet figured out what it is here are some suggestions to help.
  2. Take Benadryl (antihistamine) to calm the reaction.
  3. Oatmeal or anti-itch bath – take a cool bath and soak allowing the skin to moisturize.
  4. Scratching, though it may feel good, will increase the need to scratch. It’s a vicious circle. If at all possible, avoid scratching. If that isn’t possible, try and use a skin brush rather than your nails which can have bacteria on them and are more prone to tearing. The brush will feel even better and not lead to broken skin areas.
  5. Moisturize with a hypoallergenic lotion directly after the bath. Pat dry.
  6. Use Calamine lotion to relieve itching by cooling the skin.
  7. Talk to your doctor about prescription options if you experience chronic hives.


Let your doctor help you pinpoint the cause. They are able to help diagnose and get to the root of the problems so that you can get on with your life, hive free. To find a practitioner here in Lee County, Florida please visit our FREE resource list from the Independent Physicians Association of Lee County by going to

Standing ‘vs’ Sitting – Vein Health

vein health

It has been said that too much of anything is bad for you. This goes for extended periods of being on your feet as well as sitting and doing desk-bound work.

Both regular prolonged sitting and standing can cause extra strain on veins and the development of varicose veins. Movement helps pump blood through the veins. So take a break and relax, get up and stretch, just don’t stay stagnant for hours on end.

Those who sit for most of the day are 54% more likely to die of a heart attack. That is according to a study done by the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana. When seated in one position for a long time, calf muscles are not engaged. The calf muscles play a crucial role in pumping the blood back to the heart.

Prolonged sitting can cause the development of varicose veins, as well as blood clots (Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). If you have to travel often or sit in one spot often, it’s best they engage their legs as much as possible throughout the day. Go for short walks, stand in a meeting, or park farther away in the parking lot, or take the stairs to get the benefits of interrupting sitting within the day.

Standing in one stationary position for more than two hours in a day isn’t healthy. When a person stands for a long period of time, stress is placed on the legs, hips, and pelvis. All of this pressure on these body parts weakens the vein walls and begins to damage the veins’ valves. This damage begins the development of varicose veins. To combat prolonged standing from a job or any other activity, it is suggested to add some stretching throughout the day, as well as trying to sit here and there.

The body gets worn down when repetitive motions are done time and time again; the body is built for movement. Whether you’re sitting or standing a lot, it’s best to take routine breaks, so as to not develop venous issues or other health problems.

If you think you may be suffering from varicose veins contact Dr. Zuzga of West Florida Vein Center. Let the experts at West Florida Vein Center diagnose and treat your venous issue. To book an appointment, click here or call 727-712-3233.

The Onset of Parkinson’s


In the day and age of so much information online, many of us will research a symptom only to be lead down a never ending rabbit hole of possibilities. Here is a clear description of what you might experience if you were at the start of Parkinson’s Disease. 

One single symptom alone does not mean that you have or are beginning Parkinson’s. If you are experiencing multiple symptoms, it would be wise to consult your doctor.

parkinsons Loss of Smell – Have you noticed that your ability to sense through smell has been diminishing? Try licorice, bananas, and pickles. If you cannot smell them that may be a cue.

Shaking/Tremors – With this disease, the shaking is felt in fingers, in your hand and even in your lip and chin. Twitching limbs or shaking limbs are a common early sign.

Handwriting Change – Have you noticed a change in your handwriting? If it has suddenly gotten smaller, less loopy and tighter looking, even crowded together it could signal Parkinson’s disease.

Constipation – Diet can cause this as well. Make sure you are taking in enough water and fiber. If your diet is on point, and you are still not having regular bowel movements, see your doctor.

Sleep disturbance – Sudden thrashing, tossing and turning even to the point of possibly falling out of bed. While it is normal for most of us to experience a restless night now and then, if it becomes a regular occurrence, check with your doctor. 

Stiffness – Loss of flexibility, a feeling of being more rigid and stiff than usual. (please be aware that arthritis can sometimes cause the same symptom).

Dizziness – Low blood pressure is linked to Parkinson’s. If you feel dizzy or faint when standing on a regular basis – please get it checked.

Sudden Loss of Posture – are you finding yourself stooping over? Slouching, leaning and stooping are a sign of Parkinson’s as well.

Stoic Expression – Do you suddenly have a serious look most of the time even if you aren’t thinking about anything? Do your eyes stare blankly and you blink less often? – There are some medications which can cause this too, but it should stop when the medication is discontinued.

If after reading this you feel you are a fit for these symptoms it is important to make a plan with your doctor as soon as possible. If you do not have a physician and are in Lee County, FL please visit IPALC’s free directory by going to