True Health Starts on a Cellular Level

Support Has to Come from Within 

Mother hands applying antibacterial medical bandage on child’s knee after falling down. First aid for kids after injury/trauma

When we are born, into childhood, and even into our early young adulthood our cells replicate at amazingly fast pace. We fall down, scrape ourselves, and it heals in a day or so. As we get older when we fall, we don’t get up or bounce back quite so quickly. The healing process takes longer.

The same goes for our entire body – as we get older that cellular renewal slows down. Once we reach our mid 20’s it begins to slow significantly, and signs of aging can begin to occur. Though we will say that most people will not begin to visibly notice until late 30s to early 40s.

Now that we understand aging better, as it has been earmarked as a disease by the World Health Organization, we can understand and appreciate the ability we now have to halt it in its tracks.

We have incorporated one of the most astounding scientific breakthroughs in health into our cellular renewal formulation known as With-N.

What is NAD+?

NAD+ is a coenzyme required for cellular function. Enzymes are catalysts that make biochemical reactions possible. Coenzymes are ‘helper’ molecules. They work together to control and repair damage to your DNA.

What is NMN?

nicotinamide mononucleotide, is a molecule that occurs naturally in all life forms. At the molecular level, it is a ribonucleotide, which is a basic structural unit of the nucleic acid RNA. Structurally, the molecule is composed of a nicotinamide group, a ribose and a phosphate group (Figure 1). NMN is the direct precursor of the essential molecule nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) and is considered a key component to increase NAD+ levels in cells.


The result is that you feel and look younger. Better health and revived beauty.

Get started on your own anti-aging journey today!
Visit to learn more and get started on your anti-aging journey today.

*FDA & Legal Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Dizziness or Vertigo? It Could be Caused by Your Neck!

vertigo dizziness chiropractic fort myers

vertigo dizziness chiropractic fort myersMany patients report feeling far less disoriented and dizzy after just one adjustment.

If you deal with reoccurring vertigo or dizzy spells you may have tried everything to find relief.

The root cause may lie in a subluxation in the neck. We can help.

Recent findings suggest that chiropractic treatment may help to alleviate dizziness and vertigo symptoms often associated with neck stiffness and pain. It stems from auto accidents and can develop over time if the accident injuries are not treated properly from the start.

When visiting your general practice physician, they will often prescribe muscle relaxers and pain medications to try and loosen the neck to help with the dizziness. While it may help, it is often a temporary solution. There is also the possibility that the medications themselves could make the dizzy feeling intensify as well as dizziness is a potential side effect of many pain medications.

Many patients report feeling far less disoriented and dizzy after just one adjustment. They continue to get better from there with each adjustment. Within two months of regular treatment, patients reported substantially less dizziness and pain as well as a boosted life quality and a far better range of motion for the neck overall.

The beauty of chiropractic is that unlike medications there are no side effects. Chiropractic adjustments are a safe and effective treatment for this type of discomfort and pain.

Chiropractic care has been shown to help reduce dizziness in 80% of patients. According to the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, the majority of patients presented with balance improvement, and some with reduced levels of dizziness and neck pain.

Loss of balance resulting in a fall in older adults can cause damage long term to the body. Visiting your chiropractor regularly can help keep you balanced and healthy. Come in for an evaluation and adjustment today.

Nutritionist | Chiropractor in Ft Myers, FL

Chiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Add to that, nutritional recommendations that can help your body heal itself. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

If you are in the Fort Myers, Florida areal let us help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

      SCHEDULE NOW!   


The Circulatory System Explained Simply

West Florida Vein Center Tampa Florida Dr. Zuzga

At West Florida Vein Center, we realize that most of our patients are not doctors themselves and many have likely only a basic understanding of the vascular circulatory system as a whole.

While this is generally fine, as a person ages or their vein health becomes an issue, there may come a time when treatment at a vein center by a licensed vascular specialist becomes necessary. For those who become vein patients, a certain knowledge and understanding of the vascular system as a whole becomes vital in understanding and addressing their conditions.

West Florida Vein Center Tampa Florida Dr. ZuzgaBelow you will find a basic introduction to the vascular system.

This basic guide is simply meant to introduce you to some of the vocabulary your vein specialist will likely be using in appointments with you, ensuring that their directions and recommendations are clear.

The vascular system (circulatory system) is made up of a series of blood vessels designed to carry blood, nutrients, and oxygen throughout the body’s tissues. At the same time, waste matter is picked up throughout the tissues and carried to the correct locations for disposal.

There are three major types of blood vessels

  • Capillaries are extremely numerous and tiny blood vessels located between the veins and arteries. The main purpose of capillaries is to assist both the arteries and the veins as they perform their functions. Capillaries distribute the oxygenated blood from the arteries out into the cells, and then collect the waste and distribute it back into the veins
  • Veins are medium-sized vessels that perform an extremely important function in the circulatory system. It is the job of the body’s veins to pump blood from throughout the body’s tissues back to the heart, expanding as they collect waste.
  • Arteries are the largest, fewest, and most vital vessels within the human body. The purpose of arteries is to carry oxygen-rich blood pumped directly out of the heart and distribute it throughout all other tissues. The body’s major arteries are quite large but break down into smaller and smaller branches in order to be able to reach all of the body’s organs.

It’s easy to see how crucial this system is to all the health of the body.

Other vital systems include – the respiratory, digestive, and urinary systems, as well as the body’s ability to regulate its own temperature – would not be able to function without nearly constant interaction from the vascular system. Because the pumping action in the vascular system has to constantly battle with the force of gravity, the body’s arteries, veins, and capillaries must work very hard, and they are highly sensitive to problems and issues.

While you may understand the vascular system a little better after reading this, unless you are a physician you will most likely not be able to self-diagnose or treat any venous conditions that come up. Without a properly functioning system of blood vessels to distribute oxygen and eliminate waste, the body would simply fail.

To learn more about the vascular system and the importance of your vascular health, please get in touch with Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O. at West Florida Vein Center today. 727-712-3233.

Contributing Factors for Heart Disease Everyone Needs to Know

Heart disease risk factors tampa cardio

Worldwide, Heart disease is still the number one cause of death.

We wanted to let you know that there are steps you can take to strengthen your heart and have a healthy circulatory system. Certain habits and lifestyle choices can make you more prone to developing heart disease. Knowledge is power and we want to empower you to take control of your health and wellbeing.

The outcome of having cardiovascular disease

Heart disease is one of the top causes of both heart attack and stroke. With heart disease the blood vessels become narrow and clogged with plaque blocking normal blood flow. Heart disease also raises blood pressure. Those who struggle with this problem may experience shortness of breath and may experience headaches or dizziness. Patients also feel quite exhausted after only very moderate exertion.


Being Overweight – even by just 20 lbs.

Obesity can have many significant health related consequences. This is especially true for the cardiovascular system. Those who are overweight by more than 20 lbs. tend to have higher blood pressure and more stress on their heart.

Lack of Exercise

Being sedentary can contribute to weight gain. An inactive job and lifestyle could also weaken the heart and cardiovascular system. It is important to have a daily exercise routine. This should include running, brisk walking, cycling, swimming or any other activity that gets the heart pumping.


Those who smoke are more likely to be diagnosed with cardiovascular disease. If you smoke, you should quit immediately. Smoking can be a difficult habit to break but not impossible. Ask your doctor to suggest a smoking cessation program.

Nutritional Deficits

Bad diet and lack of exercise are a devastating combination.

A combination of a poor diet and lack of exercise can lead to weight gain. A diet high in saturated fats and trans fats is a major factor in developing plaque in veins and arteries. Foods with excessive cholesterol also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Age and Sex

As we age the risk of cardiovascular disease rises. Those 50 and older should have labs to regularly measure their cholesterol levels and get their blood pressure checked. Men are more likely than women to develop heart disease.


Drinking alcohol in moderation may not have a significant impact. Excessive drinking, however, combined with other risk factors, may raise the chances of a person getting cardiovascular disease.

Avoid Heart Disease 

Avoiding illness starts with a commitment to yourself. Lifestyle changes, easting well, getting more exercise, stating away from cigarettes, vapes, and alcohol, are all important steps towards heart healthy wellness.

Heart disease risk factors tampa cardio

Get more information about Tampa Cardiovascular Associates in Tampa, Florida by visiting  

Foggy Thinking Got You Down?

Zero N RenovoVita Brain Health

Personal trainer for your brain Renovovita Zero NYou Need a Personal Trainer for Your Brain.

  • Trying to think of a word?
  • Walk into a room and forget why you are there?
  • Lost your to do list?
  • Miss placed your sunglasses only to find them on your head?
  • Car keys go missing on a regular basis?Enough is enough.Many of our brains are short circuiting here in the fast-paced small attention span state of things in 2021. Why is that? The reason is three-fold.
  • We aren’t being challenged enough. – Information that we used to have to search for and retain is now at our fingertips. We can find answers to anything any time and anywhere. We don’t even have to remember what we found because we can just look it up again.
  • Our attention spans have been trained right out of us. – The average video online is 30 seconds to 1 minute, as are commercials. We have gotten so much into the instant gratification mode that anything longer seems problematic to us now.
  • Our brains are nutrition deficient – Food is our medicine and many of us have lackluster diets devoid of the nutrition our brains need to work at 100% of our capabilities.

This combination leaves us feeling foggy, tired, uninspired, and lacking creativity as well as some days common sense and reason.

We saw (and felt) a problem, so we came up with a solution, naturally.
The creators of RenovoVita are major proponents of living your life to its fullest. The only way to truly do that is to have your brain firing on all cylinders and have you feeling good.

We created our own proprietary blend of natural herbs, vitamins, and supplements to create the nutraceutical nootropic known as Zero-N Brain Health Formula.

Zero-N stimulates the mind and body giving energy and stimulation with no jitters or nervousness. It delivers pure clean burning energy that the mind and body thrive on. The results are subtle yet dramatically effective. You don’t feel it working, you simply feel good, alive, and alert.

Ready to Zero in and focus?
We thought you might be. Zero-N is the personal brain trainer you have been seeking…
Visit www.renovovitacom/zero-n to try your bottle today.

*FDA & Legal Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

How to Keep Your Circulation Moving – Safely

tampa vein specialist west florida vein center

tampa vein specialist west florida vein centerExercising with Varicose Veins

Having varicose veins doesn’t mean you have to stop being active.

If you’ve been diagnosed with vein disease, then you have likely already been told by your doctor that it is in your best interest to be active and maintain a healthy weight. Fortunately, there are a variety of things you can do to help make sure that you take care of both, all while helping to alleviate some of the off-putting symptoms that can be experienced with venous insufficiency.

If you have vein issues, then it is particularly important to both keep your legs strong and circulation healthy. Exercises geared towards those with venous disease almost always focus on the lower extremities especially the muscles in the calves, as it is there that the force of gravity is greatest and veins must work the hardest in order to pump blood upwards towards the heart.

When it comes to exercising with varicose veins, however, you should start out slowly and gently and try not to exert yourself too much or place too much strain on your legs. Calf raises are a great way to strengthen calf muscles without placing too much strain on them. Calf raises can be performed with or without weights. If your job keeps you confined to a sitting position for extended periods of time, stretching your legs and flexing your feet though out the day is an excellent substitute for calf raises.

Low-Impact Exercise Choices
There are still plenty of fun activities that you can do even after your venous insufficiency diagnosis. It is important to keep these activities as low impact as possible. Bicycling, for instance, is a great way to promote circulation while being easy on the joints and allowing you to maintain control over the intensity of your work-out. Walking is another great work-out that is simple and easy to do and allows you to pace yourself in both speed and distance to your own current level of fitness.

Running, Walking, and cycling can be difficult for seniors who have vein problems but there always an alternative option. Swimming offers an alternative that is non-weight bearing, and there are even a variety of aerobics classics that can be offered in this environment. No matter what you decide to do, signing up for a class or inviting friends to walk, cycle, or swim along with you can be fun for both staying in shape and keeping social as well.

No exercise or diet regimen should be undertaken without first consulting with a qualified physician, and more specifically an experienced vein specialist who is familiar with your condition. To get on the right track today by contacting a vein specialist in Tampa who services the surrounding areas as well, call Dr. Zuzga of the West Florida Vein Center at (727) 712-3233.


Heart Rhythm Disorders Explained

Heart Rhythm Disorders tampa cardio

Heart Rhythm Disorders tampa cardioThere is a good chance that you will feel a heart arrhythmia at some point in your lifetime. A large percentage of the population will experience abnormal heart beats.  Most of the time these off beats are harmless. They can happen in perfectly healthy people who show no sign of heart disease. There are, however, some types of heartbeat abnormalities that can be serious and even potentially deadly. Heart disease also raises the risk of fluctuations.

Heart rhythm disturbances are categorized 3 ways. Electrical, circulatory, and structural. Cardiologists can help to diagnose and treat disorders of the heart.

ELECTRICAL disorders:

Abnormal heart rhythms are caused by issues with the electrical system that regulates the usually steady heartbeat. The heart rate may be slowed or speeded up; it may stay steady or become chaotic (irregular and disorganized). Some arrhythmia types are very dangerous and cause sudden cardiac death, while others may be strange to feel, but not life threatening.


High Blood Pressure and coronary artery disease (causing blockages) are the main causes of blood vessel disorders. Circulatory issues such as these can result in a stroke or heart attack. Fortunately, there are many preventative and treatment options.


Heart muscle disease (cardiomyopathy) and congenital abnormalities (problems in the development of the heart and blood vessels which are present from birth) are two issues that can damage the heart muscle or valves.

What does an arrhythmia feel like?

Physically, what an arrhythmia feels like is a skipping, a quickening, a slowing, or even like you have just dropped over the first fall of a roller coaster where your heart pauses for a moment. If you notice this happening repeatedly it is advisable to check with a cardiologist to be sure that what you are experiencing is harmless and not something that needs to be looked at or treated.

If you are in the Tampa Bay area, the physicians at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates would like to offer their services.  WWW.TAMPACARDIO.COM 813-975-2800. Give us a call to schedule your consultation and exam and find out for sure.

Men Want to Feel Attractive Too

Men's health antiaging Renovovita With-N

Men's health antiaging Renovovita With-NBeauty magazines and online advertising have mainly gone after women giving the not so subtle message that youth is beauty and that you must chase and remain youthful at any cost – financial or physical.

This has given rise to a trillion-dollar vision that rakes in money hand over fist with makeup, skincare, laser treatments, beauty treatments, Botox, and fillers.  Women have so many options to glamorize, cover, and conceal.

Men on the other hand are pretty much left to the elements and the signs of aging. They simply look how they look. Rugged is considered handsome.

Men want to feel desirable too. This is where the truth behind attraction comes into play. Men get no makeup, no false pieces to hide behind like eyelashes or fingernails to glue on, appeal for the male has to come from within. It radiates with good health as well as a self-assured attitude that comes across when you do feel good and good about yourself.

Because of this RenovoVita is incredibly successful with the male crowd. Our With-N Cell Renewal Activation formula is an oral supplement that is taken daily which helps to dramatically increase cellular production boosting your vitality, strength, overall health, wellness, and youthful appearance from within.

Now add to that the daily use of Virg-N Youth Serum. This is our specially formulated skin smoothing, line diminishing, wrinkle correcting light weight easy to apply moisturizer that takes the place of night cream and even eye cream as well. This one small container boosts the appearance, buoyancy, and texture of your entire face in a very short time once you begin to use it twice a day, morning and at night.

The health boost can help make you feel and look more refreshed and attractive. When you feel good – you look good, that is just a fact.

Men – if you are feeling like your skin just isn’t what it used to be, try Virg-N youth serum along with With-N cell renewal supplement and you will be happily amazed at how much better you look at feel.

*FDA & Legal Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Natural Ways to Help Boost Your Immune System – Stave off Covid, Common Colds, and the Flu

Contrary to the news and commercial sponsors who constantly run “Flu season” ads, it is not  normal to get sick on a regular basis. If you are catching colds and viruses easily it means your body is run down and your immune system could use your help.

What your immune system does

Your immune system is an internal network of proteins and cells that have the sole job of fighting off foreign invaders (antigens). Your immune system builds up defenses more and more as it comes in contact with new germs, bacteria, and viral matter. Immunoglobulins are created to fight of the antigens.

Your immune system is comprised of mucous membranes, your tonsils, the spleen, all of your lymph nodes, the thymus gland, and your bone marrow. While tonsils for years were believed to be non-necessary it is known now that having your tonsils is helpful as they act as a filter for toxins. When very ill you may even produce what are known as tonsil stones (white globs of collected bacteria that can be removed carefully with a qtip from the tonsils in the back of your throat). When broken open you can clearly smell how foul the matter collected is and see why your body is trying to get rid of it.

Your immune system does weaken as you age, but most of the deterioration doesn’t begin till about age 60 unless other factors play into your health.

In a healthy person your immune system allows you to be in the presence of germs, viruses, and bacteria and not get sick from them. It is only when your defenses are down that your body ends up becoming ill.

How to boost your immune system the natural way with no side effects

While there is much debate right now as to whether or not vaccinations are good or bad, do or do not work, and even if they are dangerous to your health and wellbeing, the fact is that these natural immunity boosters do work with no worry of side effects.

WALKING DAILY – Those who walk at least 20 minutes per day 5 days a week had 43% fewer sick days than those who only walked 1 or 2 days per week.

CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS – Chiropractic spinal adjustments support the nervous system and as a result all organs. This in turn boosts your natural immunity. So, get adjusted regularly and preventatively.

GET ADEQUATE SLEEP – Sleep is the time your body uses to restore itself. Without enough sleep we become tired, worn out, slower in thought, and sick more easily. So, if you are burning the candle at both ends – cool it and get some rest.

sleep is vital for health kaster chiropractic fort myers, florida

EAT HEALTHY FATS – Omega-3’s, Salmon, Chia seeds, avocados, olive oil, these all boost your body’s response to pathogens and help suppress inflammation and pain.

EAT WHOLE PLANT FOODS – Vegetables, seeds, nuts, fruits, and beans all have antioxidants that help decrease inflammation and restore gut health. Fruits and vegetables also help to shorten the length of the common cold!


EAT PROBIOTICS (OR FERMENTED FOODS) – Sauerkraut, yogurt, pickles, and kefir are great sources. You can also take a probiotic supplement if you don’t really love these food selections.

REMOVE ADDED SUGARS from your diet as much as possible. Sugar leads to obesity and obesity is a major factor in sickness. Your body is simply having to work too hard to carry the extra weight. Keep sugar to 5% or under of your daily caloric value.

EXERCISE – moderate exercise enhances immunity. So, get out there and move. Pick an activity you enjoy and do it regularly.

HYDRATE – Dehydration can negatively affect your health. It can make you more prone to illness and disease so drink lots of pure clean water and non-carbonated herbal teas and in moderation fresh juices. Steer clear of coffee, soda, and energy drinks as well as caffeinated teas – they are all dehydrating.

hydration and spinal health chiropractic fort myers dr kaster

FRESH AIR AND SUNSHINE – Your body needs sunlight. It helps to produce Vitamin D naturally. Go spend time outside every single day no matter the weather.

SUPPLEMENTS TO BOOST IMMUNITY – Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, Elderberry, Echinacea, Garlic. This powerhouse combination can help keep your guard up and your body healthy.

These lifestyle and diet choices can majorly impact your body’s ability to fight back against potential invaders. Wishing you a healthy happy Fall!


The Staff at Kaster Chiropractic and Associates of Fort Myers, Florida 


Common Vein Myths Dispelled by The West Florida Vein Center

west florida vein varicose veins tampa

If you have varicose veins you are not alone. 

west florida vein varicose veins tampaOver 40 million people in America today are living with varicose veins. It has been estimated that half of the world population will deal with them at some time during their life.

With so many people afflicted with this unsightly and often painful disorder, you might be surprised to learn just how little is known about varicose veins throughout the general public, even among those who currently have vein disease.

Today we wanted to look at the most common misconceptions and set the facts straight.


  • Varicose veins are a cosmetic problem and pose no threat to your health – Varicose veins may be physically unattractive, but just because they cause cosmetic discomfort, does not make them a strictly cosmetic problem. Varicose veins can be a sign of much more serious problems, such as Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) or Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) that can lead to ulcers and blood clots, among other problems. Treating varicose veins in the early stages can be extremely beneficial and helpful in improving the long-term vein health of the patient.


  • Varicose veins and spider veins are the same thing – Both varicose veins and spider veins are caused by damaged or leaking valves, however, spider veins are typically seen as a strictly cosmetic issue, while varicose veins can signify deeper health issues. Spider veins are smaller and appear in sunburst patterns, and, unlike varicose veins, they are not elevated from the skin. Both conditions can cause physical embarrassment, and, fortunately, both are easily treated.


  • Men cannot get varicose veins – While varicose veins are certainly more prevalent in the female population, holding around 55% of current cases, men are not immune to varicose veins. Vein disorders are more common in women because of hormones, birth control, and pregnancy, but there are many other factors for developing vein disease that are not exclusive to women – age, heredity, obesity, activity level, and profession can also contribute to men developing varicose veins as well. It’s expected that 43% of men will have experienced vein disease in some form by the time they reach their 60’s, and varicose veins are often the first sign that it’s occurring.


  • Varicose vein treatments are expensive – This myth is usually believed by the same people that believe varicose veins are a cosmetic condition. Remember, varicose veins are not a cosmetic condition, and because varicose veins present a valid medical condition with the potential for dangerous progression, most insurance companies will cover their treatment and removal. Spider vein treatments, while available, are considered a cosmetic treatment and thus will not always be covered. As coverage plans will vary, it’s always best if you speak with your insurance provider before making any decisions.


  • Varicose veins can be treated and cured at home – There are things that people with varicose veins can do at home to alleviate their symptoms, but varicose veins cannot be removed or cured once present. Techniques to eliminate symptoms, however, can go hand-in-hand with prevention techniques for those who do not yet have varicose veins. Maintaining a healthy weight and diet, elevating the legs and feet when sitting or lying down, exercising frequently and staying active, not smoking cigarettes, avoiding the use of high heels, and wearing compression stockings can all contribute to better overall vein health. While these actions can certainly help, if you have noticed any of the physical symptoms of vein disease, it’s always best to consult with your physician before taking any action.

Educating yourself about varicose veins and venous disease is only the first step towards improving your vein health.

For more information about vein disease, treatments, and prevention, please visit Dr. Zuzga, D.O. at West Florida Vein Center, with offices in both Clearwater and Safety Harbor for your convenience. 727-713-3233.