Fort Myers Auto Accidents – What to Do if You Have Been Injured

Auto accidents

Auto accidentsNo matter if you have totalled your vehicle or if you were just in a fender bender the severity of the accident doesn’t always determine if you have been injured.  You may have no visible broken bones, scrapes, cuts or even bruises, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t hurt.

Over half of people who are involved in auto accidents report some level of pain in their lower back when the crash is a rear impact crash. When side-impact crashes occur the number rises even higher to nearly 75%. Stiffness and neck pain are the next two chief complaints most reported. 

Alongside of back and neck pain auto accidents often leave you at first feeling ok. You can get up and walk away from the accident and feel mobile.  The reason is that your body releases dopamine and other naturally produced chemicals into your bloodstream in order to keep you going in emergency circumstances.

Once the initial shock has worn off you often begin to feel the effects of the impact. This usually occurs a good 24 hours later. You may begin to experience headaches or neck pain where it was not present before. It is vital to get them checked out as they could be a sign of neck, brain, or head injury.

Whiplash is the number one injury associated with car accidents. Whiplash can be serious and have lasting effects. Whiplash requires a proper medical diagnosis. Tingling and numbness in the arms and hands are also symptoms of whiplash.

Back pain could be a sign that ligaments or muscles have become misaligned or bruised. If the pain is sharp and severe you may also have pinched or damaged nerve.

In a rare few cases, personality changes or even the way you are able to physically function may be modified. These can include movement problems, memory issues, vision issues, depression, and mood changes. If these happen, you may have a brain injury and its important to be seen as soon as possible.

Thought you don’t hear much about it PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) can also be also linked to major auto accidents. Flashbacks or nightmares may be experienced over and over again by drivers and or passengers. Those involved in major accidents may be very uncomfortable driving or riding in a car for some time after the accident.

In Florida, you have 13 days to seek treatment in order for it to be covered under your automobile’s PIP insurance (personal injury protection). If you have been in an accident give the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. a call at 239-332-2555.

Natural Help for Women Going Through Menopause


menopauseThough generally thought of as an older woman’s plight, menopause can begin as early as 35.

What is menopause?

Menopause is the period in a woman’s life when she when a woman stops being able to procreate. Menstruation stops. The average age begins around 45-50 but it can start as early as 35 in some. Night sweats, hot flashes, sleep disturbance, missed periods, emotional swings, irregular periods, hair thinning, and even changes in sexual response are all signs you are in menopause. These are all symptoms that can be alarming. Most women site that all they want is to feel like themselves again. All you want is to feel normal or back to your old self again. The question is how… The TV ads would have you believe that your only option will come through hormone replacement therapy. This is simply not the truth.

There are many natural things you can do. It is not reasonable to expect all of the symptoms in their entirety. But you can learn the triggers and take supplements that can dampen them and make them less troublesome.

Triggers can include a hot environment, hot hair dryers, hot food or drinks, stress, exercise, smoking, alcohol, sugary foods, spicy foods, and hormonal changes.


-Wear lightweight, absorbent cotton clothing, and pajamas at night.

-Grab a cold drink when you start to overheat, turn on a fan or go into a cooler room, try to relax with meditation or deep breathing if you feel nervous or anxious, dress in layers so you can remove them as you start to feel warm.

-Proper nutritional support is key as well and can actually do the most good toward keeping your body in balance.


Black Cohosh

Though beneficial for both men and women in supporting healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels, Black Cohosh is an excellent herb for women. It supports relief from women related issues. Supports a healthy respiratory system. CAUTION: Should not be used during pregnancy or in the presence of chronic illness.

Dong Quai

Don’t Quai is a good herb for women supporting their monthly health issues. It nourishes the reproductive organs and is great for the blood. It also supports relaxation. CAUTION: Should not be used during pregnancy. Should not be used by diabetics, or persons who are light-sensitive.


Kudzu is rich in isoflavones and supports increased bone strength.

Wild Yam

Contains progesterone-like substance that helps support women health issues. Also supports healthy joints. CAUTION: Should not be used during pregnancy.

Chaste Tree

An excellent herb for women, Chaste Tree supports healthy hormone levels and is beneficial for women’s health issues. CAUTION: Should not be used by children or pregnant women.

Red Clover

Red Clover supports healthy lungs. Helps strengthen the immune system. Phytoestrogens contained in Red Clover support healthy bones in women during menopause. It is also good for skin disorders.




Damiana supports the delivery and flow of oxygen to the genital area; this benefits both men and women. Also supports the overall energy level. CAUTION: Can interfere with Iron absorption when used internally.

These herbs may very well offer relief for many from menopausal symptoms. While the list of side effects/risks from pharmaceutical hormone replacement therapies range from stroke, blood clots, breast cancer, gallstones, ovarian cancer, dementia, headaches, nausea, vaginal discharge, fluid retention, weight gain, breast tenderness, spotting on your skin, and even in rare cases, uterine fibroids or endometriosis the natural route has no known side effects.

Come in and work with Dr. Kaster, D.C. – He is not only a Chiropractor but a Nutritionist and overall Wellness Doctor. His goal is your health, naturally. 239-332-2555

The Benefits of Probiotics for Gut Health


probioticAre you getting enough probiotics in your diet?

Probiotics are the good bacteria that help to build your immune system and support digestive health. These stomach dwelling microorganisms create these benefits. They create a balance between the wanted and unwanted bacteria that reside in the gut. They are necessary for digestive health to exist as they help in moving food through the digestive tract by way of affecting the nerves in control movement.

Health benefits, along with a stronger immunity, can include:


Inflammatory bowel disease

Irritable bowel syndrome




Get more probiotics in your daily diet


Eating grass fed organic Greek yogurt ensure that your yogurt is the best possible source of probiotics. If you happen to like the taste of sheep or goat milk yogurt, all the better as it has even more live cultures that are good for you.

Fermented Vegetables

Sauerkraut and kimchi are both up there in probiotics that support the flourishing of friendly bacteria. They also are high in digestive enzymes.


This fizzy Japanese drink with a weird name is gaining ground in popularity and is now sold in nearly every supermarket. Kombucha is fermented black tea containing good bacteria and yeast. It touts the benefits of increased energy levels, improved digestive health, and detoxification of the liver.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a mixture of diverse probiotics. Studies have shown that apple cider vinegar can help to control your blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes. Use sparingly, a little goes a long way. 1 spoonful a day is enough. Mix with water and drink or use on foods and salads.


This Japanese spice is used in dishes such as the popular miso soup. It’s made of fermented soybeans, brown rice or barley and mixed with a fungus known as koji.


Probiotic supplements are available at any health food or grocery store. They can be a great addition to your daily regimen though getting what you need through real whole foods is always the best idea.

Looking for more great natural health advice to keep you feeling your best? Visit 

Chiropractor & Nutritionist in Fort Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent them before they start?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

What IS Fluoride? – A History Lesson


fluorideWater fluoridation is the addition of fluoride to the general water supply under the guise of helping to prevent tooth decay.

What IS fluoride?

Fluoride is a salt of hydrofluoric acid compound containing fluorine, as methyl fluoride, CH 3 F.

For those of us that didn’t excel in science class that definition did not help on clarity. This just leads us to yet another question. What is Fluorine? It is the most highly reactive nonmetallic element on the chart. It is a pale yellow toxic gas that is corrosive. This leads me to the next logical question. Can a toxic gas really be good for us and where and what exactly does the fluoride we are adding to our water supply come from?

The idea of adding it to the water supply was proposed based on the idea that fluoridated water works on tooth surfaces: inside the mouth it creates low levels of fluoride in saliva, which reduces the rate at which tooth enamel de-mineralizes. It also increases the rate at which it remineralizes in the early stages of cavities leaving fewer cavities overall.  Sounds good right? Of course, it does. We bought it hook line and sinker up until recently.

According to the National Health Federation as well as the New York State Coalition, they are both highly opposed to Fluoridation. Though yes, Fluoride exists in nature and is found in rock it is also laced with an industrial waste product known as fluosilicic acid. Fluoride is a pollutant.

Fluoride is a by-product of copper, iron and aluminum manufacturing. The problem became how to legally dump fluoride. One of America’s largest aluminum companies founded a study and suddenly the problem was solved in the 1930’s. The outcome was found that fluoride helped prevent tooth decay.

Now the marketing began

A successful public relations effort along with government agencies resulted in the propaganda being spread far and wide: this miracle chemical, when added to water supplies, will give everyone healthy teeth.

The fertilizer industry may have solved their issue of what to do with their toxic waste product, but public health and safety took a hit. This claim that this fluoridated water was healthy for teeth is false. Evidence shows fluoridation does not reduce tooth decay. A tooth decay epidemic is rampant in the U.S. today, reports the Surgeon General and cavity crises are occurring in many, if not all, fluoridated cities and states in 2018. Many cities are now rethinking and removing fluoride from their water supplies.

The first experimental city to accept fluoridated water happened in 1945 in Newburgh, New York. The study was originally slated to last 10 years but ended at only 5, and was somehow falsely declared a success.

No adults were studied. Children sick two weeks before examination were excluded – eliminating the very children who might have been exhibiting fluoride’s adverse effects. In this study, they used sodium fluoride, which is not the fluoride chemical used by over 91% of U.S. fluoridating communities today – Silicofluorides.

According to they state that  “While the opponents to community water fluoridation may be well-intentioned, there is no scientific basis on which anti-fluoridationists base their claims.” This is simply not the truth.

This missmatches findings by Dr. Barry Groves, Ph.D. who dedicated himself to exposing dietary misinformation, the very studies were done by the WHO (World Health Organization) were greatly exaggerated and even falsified. It has been shown in countries such as Denmark, Finland, and Sweden when fluoride was removed from the water, the incidence of cavities actually reduced.

Fluoride is a highly toxic substance, which before named a cavity fighter, was used in rat poison and insecticides. If all of these years we have been duped, what has all this fluoride we have been consuming really done to our bodies?

Ironically, when you consume too much fluoride your teeth can actually discolor and crumble.  In lab tests on animals, fluoride has been shown to enhance absorption of aluminum, which has been shown to cause Alzheimer’s. It has also been linked to osteoporosis, damage of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, leading to limited joint mobility, ligament calcification, muscular degeneration and neurological deficits. But worst of all fluoride has been linked to as many as 10,000 cancer deaths per year (the majority in bone cancer, primarily in men).

Fluoride has also been shown to lower intelligence in children. In one study 907 children age 8-13 were measured in retrospect to the amounts of fluoride in their environment. The developmental intelligence appeared to be hampered severely the younger the child was when high doses were administered.

Fluoride has also been shown to calcify the pineal gland.  It regulates the production of melatonin, which regulates the onset of puberty as well as protecting us from damage on a cellular level from free radicals. In some cultures, the pineal gland is also believed to be what is thought of as the third eye, and our source of visualization and imagination.

We can only suggest limiting your continued exposure to fluoride as much as possible.

There are many good high-quality fluoride free toothpaste available, as well as opting to drink distilled or fluoride filtered water from a system that utilizes a special filter or reverse osmosis, is a huge boost for your health, no matter your age.

***Please read the information provided before purchasing any water filter. Most do not actually remove fluoride. Placing a filter on your showerhead is also a tremendous help as your skin when showering opens up its pores and allows fluoridated and chlorinated water to penetrate and absorb into your system.

There are also ways to remove fluoride from your body through internal cleanses, heavy metal detoxifications and chelation

It’s up to you to decide if you feel fluoride is ok for you to ingest, we suggest you do some research and make up your own minds.

Chiropractor & Nutritionist in Fort Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent them before they start?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Skincare, Naturally!


skincareYour skin is the largest organ in your body.

Just because it’s on the outside as wrapping doesn’t mean you don’t need to care for it just as you do the rest of you.

When we are young our skin is filled with collagen making it feel very elastic and well hydrated. That is what gives the youthful appearance. As we age, lifestyle and environmental factors, as well as genetics, begin to take a toll on our skin and in turn can age us visually.

60% water. That is the makeup of the human body. It only stands to reason that if you are dehydrated, much like a raisin – you start to shrivel or wrinkle. Your skin is filled with pores acting as a filter allowing you to rid your system of toxins and to sweat when necessary in order to cool down. Keeping your skin clean and moisturized play a vital role in caring for your body.

Directions to keep your skin its best, even as you age.

#1Hydration – Drinking water and staying away from sugary drinks and artificial sweeteners, as well as moderation in caffeinated beverages, is a great step.

#2 Eat a well-balanced diet.  Temporary supplementation of vitamins and minerals you are lacking can also prove to be very healing. Your skin is a reflection of how healthy you are on the inside.

#3 Cleansing the skin on a daily basis. There are a multitude of creams, soaps and cleansers on the market today and everyone has their own opinions on what works and what doesn’t. Choose a cleanser that is suited for your skin type whether it is oily, dry, combination or sensitive there are many quality products on the market. The more natural the better – many soaps and shampoos these days are made with the same ingredients as your floor cleaner so read the labels! A good rule of thumb is – if you trip over the words trying to pronounce them, chances are it’s not in your best interest to rub it on your body!

#4Toning – The purpose of a toner is to wash away any residual dirt or soap left from washing your face. A good toner, sometimes called an astringent, cleanses and shrinks your pours in a sense “toning” your skin.

#5 Exfoliating – Exfoliation helps your skin to shed the dead outer layer of cells through the use of scrubs, loofah sponges, bristle brushes and towards the more extreme – peels or laser.

#6 Moisturizing. Surface moisturizers are designed to add hydration from the outside of the body by applying a layer of viscous cream or lotion to be absorbed into the skin. Again, read your labels and see what it is you are rubbing on and soaking into your body. Just because it smells good doesn’t mean it’s good for you. This is a vital step.

#7 Sun protection.   It has been shown in recent studies that retinyl palmitate, an ingredient in most sunscreens, was shown to accelerate cancer in lab animals. The other problem with wearing a sunscreen all of the time you are outside is that exposure to the sun creates Vitamin D in our bodies which is vital for good health. Vitamin D plays a role in supporting healthy bones by proportioning the absorption of calcium, lowers your blood pressure, and is one of the most potent inhibitors of cancer cell growth! Additionally it helps to regulate your immune system so while sunburn is dangerous and repeated sunburns are extremely dangerous some sun on your skin is needed and very healthy for you. Use your best judgment. If you are going to be outside for an extended period of time cover up with hats and clothing, and if you choose to use a sunscreen make sure it does not contain retinyl palmitate.

#8 Quit Smoking – Smoking makes your skin dull and contributes to wrinkles giving you the appearance of advanced age.

#9 Reduce Stress Stress is a huge contributing factor to skin condition and appearance. We know its easy for us to tell you to eliminate stress, and not always so easy to put into practice. Don’t worry, we will give you some amazing tips in an upcoming article – so keep an eye out!

Caring for your skin doesn’t need to be a time-consuming hassle. Once you get your skin care products and regiment together, it becomes like second nature. And after all… aren’t you worth it?

Come in for a nutrition appointment and get your diet on track – it could boost not only the look and feel of your skin but your overall health as well.

Chiropractor & Nutritionist in Fort Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent them before they start?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

How to Support Blood Pressure, Naturally

high blood pressure fort myers

high blood pressure fort myersIt is scary to think that in this day and age one-third of all adults live with higher than desired blood pressure.  Life has become a go go go society. it’s a high-pressure world and our health is reflecting that. 

It can be tempting to simply ignore high blood pressure readings, but it isn’t in the overall best interest of your health. It can result over time in damage to the arteries, heart failure, ruptured blood vessels, kidney issues, vision problems, drop in cognitive function, metabolic syndrome and even life-threatening aneurysm.

The medical community seeks out pharmaceutical remedies to treat the symptom while those of us in the natural health world would rather find options that help to heal and treat the root cause.

Before reaching for the phone to get a prescription for high blood pressure medication, consider some of the more natural approaches which have been shown to work on many who experience higher than desired blood pressure readings.

Take a look at possible reasons for hypertension

Emotional taxation


Caffeine (soda, coffee, teas)


Being overweight or obese 

Lack of activity

Birth control pills are taken for lengthy amounts of time

Excess table salt

Heavy metal toxicity

What you can do 

Boost your diet – the foods you eat energize and run your body. Adding in items like olives and flax seeds, lots of fruits and vegetables, fish high in omega-3 and healthy fats like coconut and olive oils. Reduce grains.

Take Magnesium – helps to relax blood vessels. It can immediately impact blood pressure. 500 mg a day is a great starting place for most people.

Take Potassium – coconut water, bananas, melons, and avocados are just a few of the potassium-packed foods that can help with hypertension.

Take CoQ10 – This antioxidant helps to support heart health. 200-300mg a day is great for blood pressure support.

Take Fish Oil – 1,000-2,000mg daily. Inflammation of the arteries is a prime cause of high blood pressure. Fish oil is high in EPA, DHA, and Omega’s. It helps control and reduce the inflammatory response and can, in turn, help to reduce how hard your heart is having to work.

Get Chiropractic Adjustments & Massage – When your body is in proper alignment your nervous system works at top speed. This gives your body the best chance at regulating itself, which after all is the ultimate goal in health. Massage is not only relaxing, which can help bring down hypertension, it is therapeutic and helps the body release toxins and stress as well as tension.

Before reaching for that medicine bottle – consider some of these tips. They may just change your life.

If you are in the SW Florida area visit Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. of the office of Dr. Jason Kaster. or call 239-332-2555 and make an appointment today. 

Need an New Year’s Detox? We’ve Got One For You!


cleanseThe holidays can often leave us feeling less than in stellar shape. Bloated, sluggish, tired and overweight. It’s now 2018 and time to get back into the swing of things post-holiday.

The Eart Diet released a simple cleanse that can be done in your own home with no special pills or supplements to buy.  It can be found by clicking here.

This is a super simple juice cleanse that only takes 3 days, though you can do it for longer if you wish for even better results.

While many people will not have any detoxification symptoms, others do. It depends on your level of toxicity. It is important to take on a cleanse when you have time to rest a little and be good to yourself.

During a cleanse – you may experience:

Mood swings


watery eyes


Stuffy nose

You may re-experience old symptoms of previous illnesses. 

That is what symptoms really are in a detox – they are a healing crisis. A brief showing of old releasing toxins which you may have experienced before. You can distinguish the difference between a detox symptom and actually being sick in that a healing crisis you may feel for an hour or so and then it fades. Sickness just sticks with you for days.

For more great health advice check out Dr. Kaster’s blog



As Within So Without – Beauty is not just skin deep


Outer beauty is a direct result of inner health and wellness.

If you feel like you are starting to look run down or just lackluster, here are a few tips that can boost your health and in turn change that reflection in the mirror for the better. We are a product of our own choices and lifestyles.

  1. Drink lots of fresh clean water. Try to consume one gallon of water per day. It may seem like a lot at first, but you do quickly get used to it. Water is the universal solvent, it cleans and purifies the body on a cellular level. Proper hydration helps all of your organs including your skin. For a more radiant glow – drink water.
  1. Dry Skin – While hydration and water are a part of that, good fats are also a very likely culprit. Your body needs fat to run properly. Without enough your skin will be dry, you may experience brain fog, and if long-term you may run into other health issues. Good fats to eat regularly include coconut oil, nuts, avocados, and oily fish.
  2. Dull not so white eyes? – if you aren’t sleeping well, you work too much staring at a computer screen, smoke, drink, or even have nutritional deficiencies they can be reflected in the eye. Destress, get rest, stop smoking, cut back on the drinking, and take outdoor breaks away from the screen as well as your portable devices. Additionally, the old wives tale about sliced cucumbers over your eyes is actually based in science. Placing chilled cucumber slices on your eyes for 15 minutes a day reduces puffiness and redness. Rosewater works as well. dab on cotton balls and place over the eyes the same way you would with the cucumber slices.
  3. Great hair can be yours – Your hair requires protein, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, selenium, and zinc. Folic acid also helps strengthen hair growth. Making sure you have a well rounded healthy diet can boost the look and feel of hair as well as its ability to grow without splitting or breaking off.
  4. Muscle tone – Exercise is key to feeling and looking better. Muscle mass doesn’t just help us lift and move things, it helps to support your entire skeletal body frame. It all works in conjunction to support our organs and hold us together.

As within, so without. When you feel good, health becomes radiant. If you are feeling dull and lifeless or have targeted health issues you want to work on improving call the offices of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. he can work with you through the use of chiropractic, massage therapy, alternative complementary therapies as well as nutrition to get you on the road to being the very best healthiest possible version of you that you can be.

Chiropractor in Ft Myers, FL, and Naples, FL

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor in Fort Myers and Naples, can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Naturally Boost Your Immunity

immune system

immune systemBecause of the media and social conditioning, many of us have come to consider yearly colds and flu’s just par for the course and even expected. The truth is that there is nothing normal about being sick all of the time. Health is our natural state.

If you or your kids are constantly catching colds, it means your immunity is lower than it should be and ideally could be.

One route many never consider or even know about is Chiropractic.

Did you know that regular chiropractic visits help to keep your immune system going strong throughout the year?

The nervous system works in conjunction with your immune system. Spinal misalignments cause neural dysfunctions. This is stressful on the body. Stress causes immunity breakdown over time. Chiropractic helps to correct the subluxations and get the nerves functioning and communicating properly to your cells and organs once again.

Adjustments boost your immune system

Here are some interesting facts coming out from the latest scientific studies on the subject

In one study, blood was taken from 15 patients before an adjustment. Another blood draw was done on the same subjects’ post adjustment. What was found was that the immune response was significantly higher after they had been adjusted. [1]

It has been noted that those coming in with a cold or flu recovered faster than those who do not receive chiropractic adjustments. [2]

Children under chiropractic care required less use of antibiotics and other medications. [3]

Chiropractic has even been shown to help those living with HIV. The central benefits chiropractic offered were a reduction of stress and removal of nervous system interference as well as education on living an immunopositive lifestyle.[4]

Your immune system plays a major role in your health and overall well-being. It can affect every cell in your body, every system and every organ. Along with eating well, getting fresh air and sunshine daily, make sure you don’t limit Chiropractic in your mind to just a cure for aches and pains. If you do not feel well or have a diagnosis of any kind go visit your chiropractor and see if they may be able to help.

Chiropractor in Ft Myers, FL, and Naples, FL

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor in Fort Myers and Naples, can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Chiropractic – Getting to the Truth


chiropracticFor those familiar with chiropractors already, they know from their own personal experience that chiropractic simply works. As for those who haves yet to experience chiropractic there seem to be a few rumors floating around out there. Today we would like to try and clear the air as to fact vs. myth.

Misconception #1– Chiropractors are not real doctors.

False. The biggest difference between medical doctors and chiropractors is not their level of education but in their method of treating patients.

Let’s look at both forms of treatment

Chiropractors – For soft tissue damage and misalignments, there is no miracle chemical compound that can correct this. It requires a physical solution. This is where chiropractic adjustment comes in as well as recommended exercises, stretching, and muscle therapy. Chiropractors are able to help your body to work and function correctly in order to be able to heal itself.

Medical doctors – Medical doctors are, as they are accurately named, trained in the use of medicine as well as surgery. If you have a chemically treatable problem, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or a bacterial infection, medical treatment can be an answer.

Schooling for a Doctorate of Chiropractic (D.C.) and schooling for a Medical Degree, in curricula, are virtually identical. The Chiropractic degree actually requires more hours of classroom learning than the medical degree. Chiropractic students are required to complete a supervised residency just as medical doctors are. Upon graduation, they have to pass four sets of national board exams as well as state board exams where they intend to practice.

Chiropractors are subject to the same type of licensing, testing procedures, and monitoring by state and national peer-reviewed boards. Federal and state programs, such as Workers’ Compensations programs, Medicare, and Medicaid cover chiropractic. Federal agencies accept sick-leave certificates signed by D.C.’s.

Their doctorate is in every way equal to that of a medical doctor.

Misconception #2 – Medical doctors don’t believe in chiropractors.

Untrue. While it may have been the case way back in the 1940s and even as recently as the 1970s in the years following the overall opinion of the vast majority of the medical community has changed. There have been studies conducted showing that chiropractic does indeed help patients with a wide range of conditions and can work very well in conjunction with more traditional medical care. Hospitals across the country staff chiropractors as do many medical offices.

Misconception #3 – If you get adjusted once, you must go for the rest of your life. It’s better to just leave things be.

Though of course recommended is a lifetime of preventative wellness care, that is totally up to the individual. You can receive just a single adjustment in a life time or regular care. There is no mandate, and being adjusted and in alignment simply makes you feel better. The likely reason this idea got started was that once you feel what your body feels like in alignment and working properly, you will not want to accept a lesser version of your health.

Chiropractic is very much akin to going to the dentist. Can you get your teeth cleaned only once? Sure. But you may not experience full dental health if you don’t continue to go on a regular basis for preventive maintenance.

This statement comes up frequently when the topic of chiropractic is discussed. It is only partially true. You only have to continue going to the chiropractor as long as you wish to maintain the health of your neuromusculoskeletal system. Going to a chiropractor is much like going to the dentist, exercising at a gym, or eating a healthy diet: As long as you keep it up, you continue to enjoy the benefits.

We hope this has cleared up some common misnomers about chiropractic. Thank you for reading and we hope to see you in our office sometime soon for an adjustment. If you would like to schedule an appointment in either our Fort Myers or Naples offices please give us a call at 239-332-2555 or visit