Texting May Cause You Health Issues Down The Road

texting fort myers dr kaster

texting fort myers dr kasterTexting has made communication an addiction.


Many of us are constantly online in one form or another, via cell phone, tablet, iPad, Kindle, laptop or even a desktop computer.  We are virtually always reachable. Gone are the days of a phone ringing busy or missing someone because they aren’t home.

Texting may make life seem faster and more connected, but it is also leading to health issues for kids and adults. This includes neck pain, finger pain, hand pain, and even back pain.

The older generation did not grow up with cell phones, tablets, or for many even computers. That meant that we spent more time outdoors playing and getting exercise. Our bodies had the proper time to develop good posture without looking down all the time with the muscles in our hands constantly in motion.

It may seem like advancement, but children today do not have that luxury of freedom. They will never know the feeling of biking across town without their parents being able to call or track them. They aren’t learning trust or responsibility and they are poising themselves in structurally odd positions for hours on end. This has a major effect on the way the body forms.

Over  200 billion text messages are sent per month in the USA alone. The average time on a smartphone per day is 80 minutes. This time only includes surfing the web and messaging it does not consider in phone calls.

75% of teenagers now have their own smartphone, sending and responding to well over 100 texts per day. Back pain can begin from bad form when seated as well as the weight of loading backpacks with multiple devices on top of books. Laptops, iPads, cell phones, and gaming devices are all common.

If you are a heavy user of technology – take a break!

  • Raise your screen to eye level rather than looking down and hunching
  • Stretch your hands and fingers periodically and take breaks
  • If you have a long email to write do it on a desktop rather than on your phone
  • Even if you work on a desk stop stand up hourly and stretch and walk around
  • Lighten your load as much as possible leaving non-needed gadgets at home for the day

Regular chiropractic adjustments can help with text related aches and pains.

Call the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. if you are in the Southwest Florida area.

Nutritionist | Chiropractor in Ft Myers, FL

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Add to that, nutritional recommendations that can help your body heal itself. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent it as soon as possible?

Why Do Fibromyalgia Patients Feel So Awful and Have So Many Symptoms?


FibromyalgiaWhy Do Fibromyalgia Patients Feel So Awful and Have So Many Symptoms?

This question is a little more complicated but the answer makes sense when you put all the information together. Before this question is answered a part of the nervous system needs to be identified/defined.

One component of our nervous system is called the “Autonomic Nervous System”. This nervous system is divided into two divisions:

  1. Sympathetic division (fight or flight)-when our environment threatens us our body has to respond and this aspect of the nervous system kicks in. For example, if you are being chased by a tiger your adrenalin will be activated and blood flow to all parts of your body will increase. Most likely you will not fall asleep or feel relaxed while being chased by a tiger.
  2. Parasympathetic Division (rest and digest)-when our environment is relaxing our body will respond accordingly and this aspect of the nervous system will kick in. For example, if you had a large dinner and you sit down next to a warm fire most likely your body will rest/relax and digest.

There is so much more to Fibromyalgia than most medical doctors would have you believe and there is help and hope.

Visit the site of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. Chiropractor and Nutritionist in Fort Myers, Florida to read the real scoop and what you can do to help heal your body.  http://drkasters.com/conditions/fibromyalgia/

Do you have Organophosphate Poisoning? (RoundUp) Blame Monsanto!


roundupRoundUp is one of the number one selling weed killers in the USA today both commercially and for residential use.

The main ingredient in RoundUp – Glyphosate – is designed to be toxic to plants. The issue is that it has been found not only to kill plants but also to be toxic as well as carcinogenic to humans and animals as well.

Glyphosate has been banned in the EU yet it is still sprayed freely here in the USA.  Deborah Kurrasch of the University of Calgary in Canada’s research department says that “Researchers are not only concerned about the immediate consequences of improper use of the chemicals by applicators, but also about potential effects caused by chronic exposure to applicators or animals—via the skin or through inhalation, for instance—as well as what happens when they accumulate in the environment.” The physical effects are felt gradually over time.

Right here in Florida, we are experiencing a build-up of toxic chemicals. You may have heard about Red Tide and Blue Green Algae here in South Florida along both the west and east coasts, but what isn’t often said is that the discharged water being released from Lake Okeechobee contains high concentrations of the chemicals, including glyphosate, found in RoundUp because of the existence of US Sugar Corporation located in Clewiston, Fl.

The Problem

US Sugar uses RoundUp as a pesticide/herbicide on crops to deter bugs and also to help prematurely ripen the crops so they can maximize the potential for income from every crop. Just as the sugar cane is forcefully ripened so are the red tide blooms as well as the algae blooms. This is a good chunk of the reason why the bloom has now lasted a full year. This isn’t influenced by nature and it isn’t normal. Our oceans, wildlife, and residents are paying the price.

While it may be obvious when red tide warnings are posted, not to go in the water, the problem isn’t just at the beaches or around the water. These particles (Red Tide (Brevetoxin), Blue Green Algae (Cyanotoxins), and RoundUp (Organophosphates), are all aerosolized and carried by wind currents, it has been said, up to 10 miles in though it may very well be more.

This means – if you live anywhere near a coast in South Florida, you are breathing these particles in. People who have no contact with RoundUp or any other pesticide or herbicide, have been falling ill with non-specific sources. Doctors have often been at a loss for a diagnosis. 

The test for it is called the Cholinesterase RBC and Plasma blood test for pesticide toxicity (organophosphates). It is important to note that those reading the results on this test know that according to the CDC the lab values marked as acceptable (green) are incorrect. Toxicity can present at just 40% of the top acceptable level.

It is HIGHLY advisable to do a neurotoxin cleanse if you do have elevated levels in your blood.

Symptoms of RoundUp Toxicity:

  • Anxiety
  • Headache pain
  • Exhaustion
  • Lethargy
  • Fever
  • Itching eyes
  • Tinnitus (ringing ears)
  • Itchy face
  • A runny Nose
  • Watering eye (usually only one side)
  • Frequent feelings of a head cold or flu
  • Blurry Vision
  • Excess saliva
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Glassy eyes
  • Memory problems
  • Muscle twitches similar to restless leg syndrome
  • Palpitations
  • Brain fog
  • Digestion problems
  • Confusion
  • Agitation
  • Depression

 For a more natural alternative to using RoundUp on your property, please visit Mom’s Across America’s page https://www.momsacrossamerica.com/10_alternatives_to_roundup

If you feel like you may be living with the effects of RoundUp, contact the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. today and get tested as well as treated, naturally. 239-332-2555 www.drkasters.com 

How Chiropractic Can Help Ankle Pain

ankle pain

ankle painChiropractic can help reduce ankle pain without prescribing medication which may come with unwanted side effects.

Daily life is made far more difficult when you suffer from ankle pain.

Ankle issues can easily limit mobility. Lack of mobility puts a damper on lifestyle as well.  No more cute high heels or dress shoes to go out in – you are stuck in flats if walking is an option at all.

Our ankles take on a lot of pressure every single day. They support the weight of our entire body. On top of that, you may add pressure from climbing stairs, walking, running, jumping, and carrying heavy objects. It is vital that your body be in proper alignment with your ankles correctly supported.

In the United States each year more than 25,000 people per year visit a doctor specifically for ankle related pain. Studies have shown that despite this, close to 40% of sprains are not diagnosed or treated correctly. This misdiagnosis can lead to improper treatment or no treatment at all, leaving the patient in chronic pain and even risking disability later on in life.

The standard treatment for a sprained ankle is Rest Ice Compression Elevation (R.I.C.E.) The newer more widely accepted version of the protocol replaces “Rest” With “Movement”, making the acronym now M.I.C.E. The movement portion of the protocol should be done with a qualified physical therapist.

Chiropractic has shown tremendous benefit in relieving ankle pain. Your Chiropractor will use the same methods for diagnosis as would your medical doctor. Once the exact cause is pinpointed a treatment can be recommended and started.

Severe ankle injuries such as breaks and tears may require pain medication and anti-inflammatories. X-ray and MRI imaging may be used in the diagnosis.

Chiropractic is highly effective and completely non-invasive. It allows a natural approach to healing allowing the body to mend itself over time. Regular adjustments can help to strengthen the ankle increasing stability and even range of motion. It helps facilitate blood flow and circulation speeding healing and recovery. Diet and exercise change recommendations may be made if additional weight is being put on your ankles as well.

As normal motion is restored to the joint the inflammation will subside. As the inflammation dissipates so will the associated pain.

While chiropractic isn’t an instant fix, over the course of a few appointments you should notice a significant improvement in the state of your ankle as well as your overall wellbeing.

If you would like to find relief from pain call us today. 239-332-2555. Now serving Fort Myers, Florida, and all surrounding areas.

Chiropractor & Nutritionist in Fort Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent them before they start?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.

Could Doing Yoga Benefit Your Vein Health?


yogaPeople seem to be turning to yoga classes to help with everything from stress to high blood pressure to even now varicose veins, but does it really work?

Yoga is a wonderful nonimpact exercise modality that virtually anyone can do at the beginner level. Even the more advanced poses have modifications for those just starting out. 

Can Yoga Benefit those with Varicose Veins?

Many with varicose veins do find a great deal of relief through some specific yoga poses. Doing yoga won’t heal your varicose veins nor can it prevent them but what it can do which is incredibly helpful is to alleviate the swelling and pain associated with vein conditions. 

Which Poses Have Been Shown To Help Vein Pain?

Mountain Pose

This pose is designed to help you relieve pressure in your legs, knees, and thighs. It is a standing position. Stand straight, arms at your sides, toes together. Neutral pelvis. Elongated chest and broaden collarbone area. Center your head and stand tall but soft.

Legs Up the Wall

This pose stimulates the lymphatic system and helps downgrade swelling. The legs up the wall pose positions you lying with your back flat on the floor walking your feet upwards straight in front of you until they’re at a 90-degree angle and flat on the wall. This position promotes healthy circulation.

Boat Pose

The boat yoga pose involves sitting on the floor with outstretched legs, focusing on the core area of the body. When you have a strong stable core it greatly lessens the pressure on your legs which in turn alleviates swelling and pain.

If you live with vein disease, doing yoga as a regular part of your exercise routine is a great addition to your exercise routine.  Should you find it isn’t enough and you would like to get your veins treated and dealt with on a more permanent basis medically we would be happy to help. Give Dr. Zuzga of The West Florida Vein Center a call today at (727) 712-3233 or visit online www.westfloridaveincenter.com to learn more. We have three convenient locations in the Tampa Bay Area.

Do You Live in Florida and are Mysteriously Sick?

Florida red tide organophosphate Roundup

Florida red tide organophosphate Roundup You May Have “Red Tide Sickness”

This isn’t the same old naturally occurring Red Tide.

This devastatingly oversized unrelenting bloom has co-mingled with blue-green algae and stayed around for close to a year now. The release from Lake Okeechobee has been feeding it and growing it spurred on by our lack of drop in temperature this fall. The Red Tide bloom has grown to nearly the size of the state of Connecticut.

What you need to know:

The toxins released have killed our wildlife and hurt many local businesses.
 It is affecting not only water quality but because it can become aerosolized and carried in the wind, has also altered our air quality. The toxins released from the Red Tide (Brevetoxin) and Blue Green Algae (Cyanotoxin and Myostine) have mixed with the organophosphates released from agricultural companies such as US Sugar (Glyphosate (Monsanto’s RoundUp) and other pesticides and herbicides as well).

These airborne particles are making humans as well as pets sick. Many people are visiting frustrated doctor after frustrated doctor who have so far been unable to diagnose the bizarre range of symptoms leaving their patients lacking hope and feeling terrible.

Symptoms you may be experiencing:

Headache pain, Lethargy, Exhaustion, Frequent feelings of a head cold or flu, Itching eyes, Itchy face, Fever, Runny Nose, Watering eye (usually only one side), Glassy eyes, Blurry Vision, Tinnitus (ringing ears), Sensitivity to light, Memory problems, Muscle twitches similar to restless leg syndrome, Excess saliva, Brain fog, Agitation, Digestion problems, Heart Palpitations, Anxiety, Confusion, and even Depression. 

According to WINK NEWS (see video below start playing at 28 seconds), FAU researchers state that 100% of people tested so far have come back positive for Cyanotoxin (blue-green algae microcystin exposure) which lowers your immune system. 

Many are choosing to take the Cholinesterase RBC and Plasma blood test for pesticide toxicity (organophosphates) as well and are also coming up positive. It is vital to note that those reading the results on this test know that according to the CDC the lab values marked as acceptable are incorrect. Toxicity can present at just 40% of the top acceptable level.

So far, though there are a urine and blood test in a lab study setting for animals, we have found no local labs offering a Brevetoxin (red tide) blood test for humans.

Listen to what Reporter Chris Grisby had to say about the situation right here in SW FL.
He was let go from Wink News shortly after this shockingly honest report.

Harmful Algae Toxins are Airborne and Could Cause Cancer

Doctors are warning people to stay away from toxic algae-infested water, because harmful toxins that could cause cancer are airborne.

Posted by Rick Scott Is Not For Florida on Thursday, September 27, 2018

If you are unexplainably ill in Southwest Florida we strongly urge you to give us a call and find out how you can do a neurotoxin cleanse to help heal your body from this exposure. Give the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. a call today at 239-332-2555 or visit www.drkasters.com. info@drkasters.com to send an email.

Fort Myers Auto Accidents – What to Do if You Have Been Injured

Auto accidents

Auto accidentsNo matter if you have totalled your vehicle or if you were just in a fender bender the severity of the accident doesn’t always determine if you have been injured.  You may have no visible broken bones, scrapes, cuts or even bruises, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t hurt.

Over half of people who are involved in auto accidents report some level of pain in their lower back when the crash is a rear impact crash. When side-impact crashes occur the number rises even higher to nearly 75%. Stiffness and neck pain are the next two chief complaints most reported. 

Alongside of back and neck pain auto accidents often leave you at first feeling ok. You can get up and walk away from the accident and feel mobile.  The reason is that your body releases dopamine and other naturally produced chemicals into your bloodstream in order to keep you going in emergency circumstances.

Once the initial shock has worn off you often begin to feel the effects of the impact. This usually occurs a good 24 hours later. You may begin to experience headaches or neck pain where it was not present before. It is vital to get them checked out as they could be a sign of neck, brain, or head injury.

Whiplash is the number one injury associated with car accidents. Whiplash can be serious and have lasting effects. Whiplash requires a proper medical diagnosis. Tingling and numbness in the arms and hands are also symptoms of whiplash.

Back pain could be a sign that ligaments or muscles have become misaligned or bruised. If the pain is sharp and severe you may also have pinched or damaged nerve.

In a rare few cases, personality changes or even the way you are able to physically function may be modified. These can include movement problems, memory issues, vision issues, depression, and mood changes. If these happen, you may have a brain injury and its important to be seen as soon as possible.

Thought you don’t hear much about it PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) can also be also linked to major auto accidents. Flashbacks or nightmares may be experienced over and over again by drivers and or passengers. Those involved in major accidents may be very uncomfortable driving or riding in a car for some time after the accident.

In Florida, you have 13 days to seek treatment in order for it to be covered under your automobile’s PIP insurance (personal injury protection). If you have been in an accident give the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. a call at 239-332-2555. www.drkasters.com.

Natural Help for Women Going Through Menopause


menopauseThough generally thought of as an older woman’s plight, menopause can begin as early as 35.

What is menopause?

Menopause is the period in a woman’s life when she when a woman stops being able to procreate. Menstruation stops. The average age begins around 45-50 but it can start as early as 35 in some. Night sweats, hot flashes, sleep disturbance, missed periods, emotional swings, irregular periods, hair thinning, and even changes in sexual response are all signs you are in menopause. These are all symptoms that can be alarming. Most women site that all they want is to feel like themselves again. All you want is to feel normal or back to your old self again. The question is how… The TV ads would have you believe that your only option will come through hormone replacement therapy. This is simply not the truth.

There are many natural things you can do. It is not reasonable to expect all of the symptoms in their entirety. But you can learn the triggers and take supplements that can dampen them and make them less troublesome.

Triggers can include a hot environment, hot hair dryers, hot food or drinks, stress, exercise, smoking, alcohol, sugary foods, spicy foods, and hormonal changes.


-Wear lightweight, absorbent cotton clothing, and pajamas at night.

-Grab a cold drink when you start to overheat, turn on a fan or go into a cooler room, try to relax with meditation or deep breathing if you feel nervous or anxious, dress in layers so you can remove them as you start to feel warm.

-Proper nutritional support is key as well and can actually do the most good toward keeping your body in balance.


Black Cohosh

Though beneficial for both men and women in supporting healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels, Black Cohosh is an excellent herb for women. It supports relief from women related issues. Supports a healthy respiratory system. CAUTION: Should not be used during pregnancy or in the presence of chronic illness.

Dong Quai

Don’t Quai is a good herb for women supporting their monthly health issues. It nourishes the reproductive organs and is great for the blood. It also supports relaxation. CAUTION: Should not be used during pregnancy. Should not be used by diabetics, or persons who are light-sensitive.


Kudzu is rich in isoflavones and supports increased bone strength.

Wild Yam

Contains progesterone-like substance that helps support women health issues. Also supports healthy joints. CAUTION: Should not be used during pregnancy.

Chaste Tree

An excellent herb for women, Chaste Tree supports healthy hormone levels and is beneficial for women’s health issues. CAUTION: Should not be used by children or pregnant women.

Red Clover

Red Clover supports healthy lungs. Helps strengthen the immune system. Phytoestrogens contained in Red Clover support healthy bones in women during menopause. It is also good for skin disorders.




Damiana supports the delivery and flow of oxygen to the genital area; this benefits both men and women. Also supports the overall energy level. CAUTION: Can interfere with Iron absorption when used internally.

These herbs may very well offer relief for many from menopausal symptoms. While the list of side effects/risks from pharmaceutical hormone replacement therapies range from stroke, blood clots, breast cancer, gallstones, ovarian cancer, dementia, headaches, nausea, vaginal discharge, fluid retention, weight gain, breast tenderness, spotting on your skin, and even in rare cases, uterine fibroids or endometriosis the natural route has no known side effects.

Come in and work with Dr. Kaster, D.C. – He is not only a Chiropractor but a Nutritionist and overall Wellness Doctor. His goal is your health, naturally. www.drkasters.com 239-332-2555

Are You Getting Enough Nutrients?


nutrientsFruits and Vegetable additions to your daily meals are one of the quickest ways to add needed nutrients to your diet plan.

We live in a prepackaged pre-made food kind of society. Most of which consists of carbohydrates, sugars, and preservatives. 

Rather than reaching for cookies, crackers, or even bars that have been processed and compressed, as you cruise down the grocery isles grab canned, frozen, and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Start your day with a piece of fruit added to breakfast. An ideal mix of protein, carbohydrates, and a piece of fruit will get your body moving.

School Lunches allow you to get creative. Ants on a log are a favorite and often traded treat. Cut up celery, add peanut butter, and sprinkle raisins. Voila! Ants on a log. Sweet, salty, crunchy and very healthy. Packed with protein and iron they can keep your kiddos going.

When packing snacks: carrot sticks, broccoli, cauliflower, even bell peppers, all are great grab, pack in a bag and go treats. Think of party trays – you can even add a little yogurt or sour cream dip if plain vegetables don’t appeal to your pallet.  Fruits come in their own wrappers. Apples, plums, bananas, oranges, tangerines, and many more are all grown to grab and go, very easy to reach for on the run no matter how busy your day is and even if you don’t happen to have refrigeration.

Hosting friends?– you may be tempted to take the easy way out and fill bowls with the traditional chips and dips. Sure every one like them, but health is on the forefront of many peoples minds these days and having healthy alternatives available makes you a great host.


  1. Let Your Cravings Lead The Way – unless it’s for absolute junk food, your body may be trying to tell you that you are missing something. ie. if you have a weird craving for liver you may be iron or copper deficient. If you are craving Brazil nuts you may be missing selenium. Food is intended to be our fuel.
  2. Fondu – Who doesn’t love cheese? Rather than dipping bread and chocolates, offer apples, carrots, cauliflower, pineapple, banana, mangos, and more.
  3. Fire up the grill! – Fat drips away from the meats while cooking naturally and you can even grill vegetables like Portabella mushrooms in place of burgers as well as skewers of veggies and fruits! Amazingly most have never tried grilling fruit and things like peaches, pineapples and kiwis are simply delicious and decadent.
  4. Dried fruits are always a hit and packed with vitamins.

One of the most important takeaways from this article is to eat a wide variety of foods. Don’t get locked into the same old same old. Stepping out of your box can not only increase your interest in healthy eating, it can add vitamins, minerals, and nutrients you may be missing, therefore increasing your health!

Help Cope With Depression The Natural Way


They aren’t widely known or publicised but there are Alternatives to Taking Antidepressants

Everyone has their off days, but what if your off days turn into off weeks or off months? You no longer feel like yourself and are just down in the dumps on a consistent basis? Sometimes not even for any apparent reason. It’s frustrating and in some cases, debilitating.

If you listen to the television your only answer lies in expensive designer pharmaceuticals. Medications such as Xanax, Effexor, Serzone, Wellbutrin, Prozac, Zoloft or Celexa all have a host of possible side effects a mile long which include but are not limited to dizziness, headache, nausea, loss of sex drive, and possible insomnia, coma or suicidal thoughts.

If the base purpose is to make you feel better, how exactly does the possibility of ruining your sex life and causing you to contemplate suicide play into that equation?

Here at the office of Dr. Jason Kaster, D.C. we firmly believe that nature gave us all we need to heal ourselves. That is why we suggest trying the natural approach first, and working with your body rather than against it. There are several supplements, vitamins, and herbs that work organically to help improve mood and promote an overall feeling of wellness without all of the harsh side effects and latent toxicity.

St. John’s Wort – This pretty plant cascading with yellow flowers has been used since the times of ancient Greece and is known for its mood-brightening effects and ability to restore emotional balance. Scientists agree that this is an excellent choice for short-term treatment of mild to moderate depression well as anxiety and mood disorders. This herb, unlike many others, does come with cautions, which it is important to pay attention to – it can cause sensitivity to sunlight, headache, or gastrointestinal symptoms in rare cases. It also should not be used in combination with – birth control pills, antidepressants, if you have had an organ transplant, are on heart medication, use HIV medications, cancer drugs, seizure control drugs, Warfarin or any other anticoagulants.

5-HTP – Has recently also been gaining in popularity as it becomes more widely known. It is a natural plant extract, from the Griffonia simplicifolia plant, that boosts the serotonin levels in the brain. It assists with appetite control, relieves insomnia, calms anxiety, improves mood and can even help to reduce symptoms of fibromyalgia. 5-Hydroxytryptophan should not be used in conjunction with any classification of medical antidepressants.

Sam-E – is among the best of the mood-boosting supplements available. Not an herb or a hormone, it is a molecule that all living cells produce constantly. It affects everything from fetal development to daily brain function. It assists in the transfer of dopamine and serotonin in the brain from receptor to receptor. Though no one has found Sam-E to be significantly more effective than a prescription antidepressant, it is clearly less toxic and wonderful benefit can be derived from taking it on a consistent basis. Since the 1970’s, researchers have published 40 clinical studies involving roughly 1,400 patients. And though the studies are small by FDA standards, the findings are remarkably consistent. In 1994 Dr. Giorgio Bressa, a psychiatrist at the University Cattolica Sacro Cuore in Rome, pooled results from a dozen controlled trials and found that “the efficacy of SAM-E in treating depressive syndrome comparable to that of standard antidepressants.” It is interesting to note that SAM-E has been available as a dietary supplement in the US since 1999, but it has been used as a prescription drug in Italy since 1979, in Spain since 1985, and in Germany since 1989.

Another one that gets high rankings is DHEA – which is touted to enhance your immune system, as well as increase libido, increased sense of well-being, reduced stress levels, and give you energy making you feel happier, more focused and stronger. Many of the problems associated with aging, including weight gain, painful joints, and forgetfulness have been linked to a deficiency in DHEA, which is an essential hormone. No matter how healthy you are, your production of DHEA decreases dramatically as you age. By age 50, your levels may be only half of what they were at age 25 when you had peak levels of DHEA. In a recent study, men and women found they felt more youthful and had better ability to handle stress and improve quality of sleep by taking just 50mg of DHEA. It is a hormone that is naturally made by the human body. It can be made in the laboratory from chemicals found in wild yam and soy. However, the human body cannot make DHEA from these chemicals, so simply eating wild yam or soy will not increase DHEA levels. Don’t be misled by wild yam and soy products labeled as “natural DHEA.”

Vervain – is also good for calming of the nerves and relaxation. It can be taken in capsule or tincture form.

Another lesser known is Lavender. Used for centuries in aromatherapy for its ability to promote stress relief and relaxation, lavender may also help to alleviate stress, depression, fatigue, restlessness, anxiety and even insomnia. It has a very soothing sedative effect when inhaled; you can also drink it as a tea using two tablespoons of the dried herb in boiling water and allowing it to steep for 10 minutes. Make sure to strain before drinking.

All of these supplements are more gentle on your body and cost significantly less than their chemical counterparts. We hope next time you are feeling blue this article will come to mind and offer some great alternatives.

Article references:










Chiropractor & Nutritionist in Fort Myers, FL.

Fort Myers Chiropractor, Dr. Jason B. KasterChiropractic care is a safe, alternative treatment when applied appropriately. Chiropractic treatments help in dealing with the symptoms of many conditions. Are you going to wait for your symptoms to be felt, or are you going to prevent them before they start?

Dr. Jason B. Kaster, a chiropractor, and nutritionist in Fort Myers can help you and your family achieve their optimal health.