Chronic Sinusitis

Do you suffer seasonally or year round from bouts of fatigue accompanied by a stuffy nose, sore throat, watery eyes, and headache?

All are signature sinus issues. All can make your life downright miserable. It is sometimes hard to distinguish if you are experiencing allergies or a cold. Proper diagnosis and treatment can lead to quicker recovery and less suffering.

All are signatures of chronic sinusitis.

Sinusitis can make you feel just downright rotten and unable to cope with daily life. When persistent it can be difficult to tell the difference between a cold or allergies. Diagnosing the condition properly will lead to the quickest recovery.

Both colds and allergies can trigger sinus issues. When the mucus cannot drain properly it can lead to increased pressure resulting in pain and eventually infection can set in.

Those who have allergies or asthma are the most likely to develop sinusitis as their sinus tissue becomes swollen when breathing in allergy triggers like pollen, smoke or dust.

Sinusitis will generally heal without antibiotics if you have a good immune system in about two weeks. If you are still experiencing the same level of symptoms or they have gotten worse over the first two week period consult your doctor.

Self Care: Heat packs, nasal decongestants, nasal sprays, humidifiers or salt water rinse with a net pot, breathing in essential oils of peppermint or eucalyptus may ease symptoms.

If you have allergies, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of sinusitis. Your doctor may recommend ongoing treatments such as allergy shots or medication which can help to control inflammation. Avoidance of allergy triggers is always advised if possible.

To find a board certified ENT or Immunologist in Lee County visit

Vanessa Puleo of Led2Serve Invites Everyone To A Service Journey

led2serve, a thriving non-profit organization, is in it’s eighth year of providing middle and high school youth with fun and meaningful service mission journeys for their spring and fall breaks. Their trips combine rewarding service to others with an adventurous component to provide a well-rounded experience that is second to none.

Founded in 2009, led2serve was created to equip, inspire, and mobilize people to serve others locally, nationally, and through many regions of Costa Rica. “Engaging students at every grade level is something that changes their lives dramatically”, says Vanessa Puleo, Founder and Executive Director, “When a student engages in a life-changing serving opportunity during a class trip whether their sixth grade, or their senior year…something eventually clicks. They begin to see life, serving, fun and community blend as one. Eventually, they can envision incorporating a piece of serving into every place they travel.”

Service projects can range from building a ramp for the disabled, painting a school, or participating in an environmental clean up effort. Students then are able to balance their hard work by taking part in activities such as zip-lining, snorkeling, white water rafting and other fun and adventurous activities.

The team at led2serve has learned, over the years, the ability for young adults to serve and play together fosters a strong team spirit and support that is unrivaled. They customize trips whether the school sending their students is public or private, small groups or large. The goal is to create well designed partnerships that align with each specific class and goals. In fact, some classes will serve and play together during led2serve journeys for as many as five or six years in a row, allowing the students to continually strengthen and grow their interpersonal relationships with others over time and experience a truly rewarding time in their lives.

To request or discuss a customized Service Journey reach out either by email: or phone, (863)354-0137. You can also visit their web site to learn more.

Skin Cancer Micro Surgery – Mohs

If you have been diagnosed with basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma your doctor may suggest Mohs as a viable treatment option.

Mohs microsurgery may be recommended when:

  • The tumor is very large
  • Rapidly spreading cancers
  • The cancerous cells have come back
  • There is scar tissue in the area of the cancer cells
  • The tumor is large
  • The edges cannot be clearly defined
  • The cancer is in an area where function preservation is vital 

What is Mohs surgery?

This type of surgery is done with a microscope which allows surgeons to trace cancerous cells down to the very root, ensuring full removal. It is most widely utilized to treat basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas.

Because of the precise nature of the surgery, it is the most minimally invasive allowing for less chance or scarring or disfigurement.

During the procedure

The surgeon will remove the tumor as well as a thin layer of tissue surrounding it. They will create a drawing of the removed area which can be used as a guide if any remaining cells need to be further removed.

If microscopic analysis still shows evidence of remaining cancer cells, the process then continues layer-by-layer until the cancerous cells are eradicated. 

The intent is to preserve as much healthy tissue as possible making the recovery as full as nature permits. Sometimes reconstructive surgery is necessary due to size or shape of removal.

Who are the surgeons who perform Mohs?

These surgeons specialize in both pathology and dermatology. They remove only the cancerous tissue leaving healthy cells untouched. This skill level minimizes the cosmetic impact of the surgery itself while increasing the likelihood of a positive outcome.

The cure rate using this technology is the highest among all skin cancer treatment procedures – up to 99% even when other treatments have previously failed.

Visit to locate a dermatological surgeon in Lee county, Florida.

Whats really in the milk you drink?

For decades milk has been the #1 drink of health American families.

It was noted as the best source of calcium and Vitamin D for growing bones and for aging bones. It has been a staple in every refrigerator and on every grocery list.

Unfortunately, we have strayed pretty far from the days of the neighborhood milkman bring fresh milk to your door. Dairy cows, for the most part, no longer roam free range on farms feeding on fresh grass, they are confined, drugged, treated with chemicals and hormones. All of this affects the quality of the milk itself.

Cows are fed antibiotics as well as growth hormones such as rBGH a genetically engineered hormone intended to increase milk production.

Hormone treated milk is different from natural milk. It contains raised levels of the IGF-1 hormone. IGF-1 has been linked to cancerous tumors and named as a major cause of breast, colon, and prostate cancer. Milk produced artificially tends to have increased levels of pus, making the milk turn sour faster for a shorter shelf life.

rBGH reduces the casein protein due to an increased thyroid hormone enzyme. 

Better choice: Organic. Even still, it has been pasteurized compromising the nutritional value. The process destroys part of the Vitamin C in milk and encourages the growth of potentially harmful bacteria. Pasteurization also makes the majority of the calcium insoluble and iodine contained reduced. 

Best Dairy Option: Grass Fed RAW. Check with your local health food store for possible local farming sources. 

Humans were not intended to drink cow’s milk at all. Better choices are other kinds of milk like almond, coconut, and rice. 

To learn more about your health and nutrition peruse our site or come in for a personalized appointment.  (239) 947-1177

Can you actually freeze your fat away?


According to the science on which Cryolipolysis® is based, you can. A new technique called Cool Sculpting has hit the market and is doing wonders for patients who wish to target certain areas for fat loss.

While not intended as a weight loss replacement or alternative, Cool Sculping is ideal for those with problem areas that do not seem to reshape or respond to exercise and diet alone.

Based on an observation made my scientists while studying children eating popsicles, this procedure is non-invasive. Scientists at Harvard noticed that some children who ate popsicles formed dimples in their cheeks. Dieter Manstein, MD and R. Rox Anderson, MD concluded that the popsicles were freezing off small pockets of fat cells and that this might be useful in other applications.

That is the basis for Cryolipolysis®, the science on which the CoolSculpting procedure is founded. Cold can target fat cells without damaging the skin or surrounding tissue.

 Coolsculpting reduces the number of fat cells in the treated area by as much as 25%. During weight loss, the fat cells are not eliminated, they just shrink. Fat cells when eliminated, never return. 

Treatments are customized to your body and tailored to fit your goals.  It has been FDA approved and has been performed safely for millions of people. Side effects are rare, generally mild and usually subside fairly quickly.

If you are interested in CoolSculpting you can find a board certified dermatologist in the SW Florida area by visiting

Have a tattoo that you regret getting?

If you are considering tattoo removal it is important to go to see a board certified plastic surgeon who is skilled with laser removal.

There are multiple reasons people remove tattoo work. An impetuous decision they wish they had not made, perhaps a name that is no longer associated with your life, or a bad quality tattoo.

The laser can undo what the needle has drawn. Treatments take only a short window of time to perform. They are generally performed right in your doctor’s office. Removal is done with anesthetic, topical cream for smaller regions and injectable anesthesia for larger areas.

Each session the design will become lighter and less visible.  Removal requires multiple visits as the skin needs time to heal and recover between sessions. They are spaced approximately one month apart. All ink colors are removable, though black and grey are the easiest. Others may require more sessions. Each session lasts between 15 and 30 minutes. The laser is set to target certain colors or depth of ink to give optimal results.

The laser delivers energy in short quick bursts which dissolve the ink embedded in the skin into very small particles which are then safely detoxified through normal bodily processes. Drinking extra water the day before, the day of and a few days after will help the process along.

There is very minimal risk of discomfort or scarring. If you get keloid scars, that is one of the few cases where tattoo removal may not be right for you. Following the session the treatment are may blister or scab (much like the healing process of tattooing itself.) Avoid sun exposure during the healing process. Keep it clean and dry and wash only using very mild unscented soap.

Through repeated sessions, your old tattoo will eventually be non-visible. Results vary, but most are very pleased with the outcome.

To find a certified plastic surgeon who is skilled in laser tattoo removal please visit

Do Pregnancy and Varicose Veins Go Hand in Hand?


PregnantWhy do varicose veins often appear during a pregnancy?

They often happen during a pregnancy due to the extra volume of blood your body produces in order to support two lives. The extra blood when added to extra weight plus the baby’s weight puts a strain on your legs. Progesterone levels rise as well which relaxes the blood vessels it often can lead to the appearance and formation of varicose veins.


Will they be permanent?

The likelihood of them shrinking and disappearing after the birth is good if you did not have them pre-pregnancy. Varicose veins do tend to be hereditary.  If your maternal line had them during pregnancy, the chances are high that you may as well.


How can I avoid getting varicose veins if I am pregnant?


Comfortable clothing is important– Wearing non-binding clothes that fit well. Belts, jeans, and even shoes can cause issues.


Keep your weight in check – 25 to 35 lbs. is all that is recommended to gain during a pregnancy. Gaining excess over that amount puts undue pressure on your entire body.


Move! – Exercise – walk and keep that blood pumping!


Vitamins – Eating foods high in Vitamin C helps the body produce collagen and elastin which makes the body more readily able to snap back into shape after the baby is born. Eating bone broth soup also boosts collagen levels.


Support Hose and Elevation– Support hose give your veins extra stability. Elevation also helps alleviate pressure, flex your ankles regularly as well.


Veins cannot be treated during a pregnancy, If the varicose veins gained do not fade once the baby has been born, come see us at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates. Please call us at

Please call 813-975-2800 Tampa Cardiovascular Associates.

Don’t Fear Fat because it Doesn’t Make You Fat!


Fat doesn’t make you fat. Many nutritious foods out there are high in fat actually. The human body needs fat; it gives us energy, builds cell membranes, helps with blood clotting and muscle movement, reduces inflammation, and helps us absorb some vitamins and minerals. Fats are both  “good” and “bad.”  Good fats are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, bad fats are man-made trans fats, and saturated fats fall in between.

Dietary fat can actually help people lose weight, because fat can help a person fill fuller for longer, so a person potentially is consuming less calories. When a person eats fat, it also slows the entry of glucose into the blood, which helps moderate sugar levels.

Here is some information about the different kinds of fats:

Monounsaturated Fats –  These fats are found in avocados, olive oil, peanut oil, most nuts, canola oil, sunflower oil, and high-oleic oil.

Polyunsaturated Fats – These fats are essential fats, and the body requires them for normal bodily functions; the body can’t produce these fats. Essential fats must be eaten. Polyunsaturated fats can reduce (slightly) LDL cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fats can be found in salmon, herring, sardines, sunflower, safflower, soybean, flaxseed, cottonseed, corn, sesame and, grape-seed oils.

Trans Fats – This type  is associated with elevating LDL cholesterol, as well as HDL cholesterol in the blood.  T

Saturated Fats – These fats a are found in red meat, whole milk, cheese, and coconut oil.  Often baked processed and packaged foods are heavy in saturated (and trans) fat. Too much saturated fat in one’s diet can raise cholesterol (both LDL and HDL).  It is recommended that saturated fat is limited to 10 percent of the day’s caloric intake.

Want more control of your diet? Contact Dr. Kordonowy of Internal Medicine, Lipid & Wellness in Fort Myers today. Dr. Kordonowy offers dietary counseling and  weight loss strategies. To book an appointment, click here or call 239-362-3005, ext. 200.

Is it time for a trip to the ENT?


ENTAn ENT is an ear nose and throat specialist. They have chosen this as their practice and specialty over focusing on general medicine. They can help you to better understand how you are feeling and if your symptoms are in any way related to inflamed sinuses or if there could be more serious underlying causes.

Why visit an ENT?

Headaches – An ENT can help determine if the headache cause stems from a sinus problem, respiratory infection, sinusitis, or even anatomic abnormalities. Chronic headache causes are tough to diagnose.

A sore throat – if you have a lingering sore throat that does not get better with normal home care or a round of antibiotics from your general practitioner a visit to the ENT may be warranted. Sore throat symptoms can sometimes be related to digestive issues or sinus problems.

Hearing Loss – Hearing loss may be due to ear wax build-up, fluid, or possibly damage to the nerves.

Sinus Issues – Tooth pain, earache, and even facial pain – congestion, nasal discharge, and allergies all can be disconcerting.

If you are experiencing these symptoms without improvement after a week or longer or they are reoccurring, you should be checked by an ENT. To find a board certified ENT please visit

Heavy Metal Poisoning – Symptoms may mimic other issues


toxicityFatigueHeavy metal poisoning is not always the first thought for a possible diagnosis. Symptoms can be subtle and can mimic other diseases and health problems.

If symptoms come on suddenly and severely – it may be from an immediate and strong exposure. It would be considered “acute”.

Sudden onset from immediate exposure can result in –

  • Headache
  • Vomiting
  • Severe cramping
  • Severe convulsions
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Nausea
  • Impaired motor skills
  • Sweating
  • Impaired cognitive skills

Please seek medical attention immediately if you are experiencing any of the above.

If it were to build up over time slowly due to constant exposure you would have what is known as chronic metal toxicity.

It can present as –

  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Digestive issues
  • Aching joints
  • Reproductive issues
  • Impaired blood sugar 
  • Chronic headaches
  • Tearing eye or eyes

Possible sources of metals can include:

  • Fluoride – in the drinking water and in dental products 
  • Insecticides & Herbicides – can contain metals and other toxins
  • Vaccinations – mercury and aluminum 
  • Cosmetics – contain aluminum bases which can also contribute to Alzheimer’s
  • Dental work – Silver amalgam fillings, as well as any dental work that contains metal alloy, can contribute to toxicity. 
  • Smoking – possibility of cadmium poisoning
  • Buy only high-quality supplements – some colloidal silvers can lead to silver poisoning and other supplements can be high in lead, mercury, and can contain metals arsenic.
  • Conventional Household Cleaning Products – can contain metals and other toxins
  • Cookware – (beware aluminum and nonstick cookware)
  • Costume Jewelry – if you are sensitive to metals
  • The Food You Eat – Metals can come from pesticides, herbicides, soil, rain, air exposure, and processing.

Metal toxicity may sound like a far-reaching diagnosis but we are all exposed to possible contaminants.

If you aren’t feeling well and cannot find an explanation, seek professional assistance. Unchecked heavy metal toxicity can lead to permanent damage to the body and organs. Get back in balance and back to health with Nutrition Specialists of Florida by calling 239-947-1177.